The “Joint Action Plan on Med coasts Adaptation to Climate Change” (JAP) can be defined as the operative tool of the Bologna Charter 2012 and it represents one of the main deliverable of the EU-funded COASTGAP project. The JAP identifies a number of joint actions (studies, researches, projects, communication actions, dissemination actions, clustering, etc.) encompassed into the general Macro-Project outlined by the Bologna Charter 2012. These actions are clustered in 4 strategic themes: (ST1) Developing knowledge, network-based monitoring and data management system; (ST2) Sustainable use of strategic resources for the Blue Growth of the Mediterranean coasts; (ST3) Supporting research, innovation clusters and implementation; (ST4) Response to challenges driven by climate change. A number of JAP actions are directly or indirectly related to MSP. The JAP also identifies additional project proposals at the regional level, mainly focusing on coastal protection and/or adaptation.
Questions this practice may help answer
- How can coastal regional administrations establish a cooperative framework to commonly approach strategic challenges related to integrated management of coastal and marine systems, including climate change adaptation, at the sea basin level?
- How can strategic objectives be articulated into an operative Joint Action Plan?
- What are perceived common problems and challenges affecting Mediterranean coastal systems? What are related priority actions to be implemented in mid-term (till 2020) and beyond?
- How can ICZM and MSP integrated approaches contribute to reduce coastal risks and improve adaptation of coastal areas?
Implementation Context
The JAP represents one of the main deliverable of the COASTGAP project run between July 2013 and April 2015 and funded by the MED Programme – European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013. COASTGAP capitalized 12 best practices from 9 projects (funded by the MED and other programmes) to underpin governance and adaptation policies aiming to reduce risk along coastal zones and foster their sustainable development. The JAP benefited of the experiences, results and contribution of various projects, including: the Italian flagship project on marine and maritime research RITMARE, PEGASO, MEDINA, RESMAR, SHAPE, MAREMED, MEDSANDCOAST and other projects adhering to the FACECOAST Med-cluster (Face the Challenge of Climate Change in the Med Coastal Zones).
Aspects / Objectives
The JAP can be defined as the operative tool of the Bologna Charter 2012, as it details the Macro-Project outlined by the same Charter for the EU Programming Period 2014-2020, designed for a coherent Mediterranean macro-thematic and multi-sectoral strategy.
The JAP mainly aims to design a common thematic programme (including strategic themes, project lines, joint actions and regional level projects) for the protection, resilience and adaptation of Mediterranean coastal zones. Together with the Bologna Charter it represents an original and coordinated effort of Mediterranean coastal administrations to face concretely the challenges of coastal risks (including those related to climate change) in the period till 2020 and beyond, contributing to develop conditions for Blue Growth in the Mediterranean. In this perspective the JAP also aims to contribute in enhancing coastal and maritime governance processes in line with ICZM and MSP approaches and principles.

The JAP is the result of a long lasting and fruitful joint work between coastal administrations that established a long cooperation experience within relevant European projects, including COASTGAP and previous projects that led to creation of the Bologna Charter 2012 (MAREMED in particular).
With the scope to ensuring a wider view in the process of definition of the JAP contents and aims, a Coordination Board within the work group on Integrated Maritime Policy of the Inter-Mediterranean Commission of CRPM (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions) was constituted. The “Bologna Charter Coordination Board” involves COASTGAP partners, the maritime administrations signatories of the Bologna Charter, other regions being part of the Inter-Mediterranean Commission and representatives of the Italian flagship research project RITMARE. During the meetings of the Board held in 2014, from the start in Bologna (February) and through the ones in Montpellier (June) and in Rome (November), and thanks to the partnership strict collaboration during the whole period, it was possible to focus on common problems, challenges to be faced and priority actions to be implemented till 2020 and beyond.
Main Outputs / Results
Based on the Macro-Project contents outlined by the Bologna Charter and looking to European objectives and programmes for the period 2014-2020, the JAP identifies four Strategic Themes:
- (ST1) Developing knowledge, network-based monitoring and data management system;
- (ST2) Sustainable use of strategic resources for the Blue Growth of the Mediterranean coasts;
- (ST3) Supporting research, innovation clusters and implementation;
- (ST4) Response to challenges driven by climate change.
Each strategic theme is articulated in various project-lines; JAP Annex 1 proposes and describes (in terms of challenges, 2015-2020 actions and outcomes) related Joint Actions to be implemented at the basin and/or sub-basin level:
- 1.1 – Build a network of coastal observatories (ST1);
- 1.2 – Survey erosion status and flood hazard along the Mediterranean coasts (ST1);
- 1.3 – Individuate and characterise coastal and submarine stocks of sediments suitable for beach nourishment (ST1)
- 1.4 – Build a Mediterranean interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure (ST1);
- 2.1 – Promote the sustainable use of the coastal territory, according to ICZM and MSP principles (ST2);
- 2.2 – Promote the sustainable use of coastal and off-shore stocks of sediment (ST2);
- 3.1 – Foster project-clustering initiatives (ST3);
- 3.2 – Foster innovation in the field of coastal protection and climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean (ST3);
- 3.3 – Interaction with the new EU Research Programme – Horizon 2020 (ST3);
- 4.1 – Supporting the design of structural works for coastal protection and adaptation to climate change (ST4);
- 4.2 – Foster adaptive management solutions and structural works to enhance the resilience of coastal systems (ST4);
- 4.3 – Individuation, access to and efficient use of funding frameworks (ST4).
Finally, Annexes 3 and 4 identify proposals of projects to be implemented at the regional level respectively focusing on: (i) structural actions for coastal protection and/or adaptation to climate change; (ii) monitoring infrastructures and management plans of coastal and marine areas.
The Bologna Charter regional multilateral initiative and the related Joint Action Plan experience can be capitalised in other EU regional or sub-regional seas sharing similar problems affecting Mediterranean coastal and marine areas and resources. The involvement of no EU countries from southern and eastern Mediterranean is one of the current key challenges of the overall initiative.
Contact Person
Paolo Lupino
Lazio Region
E-mail: (palupino[at]regione[dot]lazio[dot]it)
Ph.: +39 06 51687372Costs / Funding Source
Funding source: the Joint Action Plan was developed within COASTGAP project, funded by the MED Programme – European Territorial Cooperation 2007-2013.