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Showing results 1 - 12 of 285

Atlantic Blue Port Services - Discharge polluted water in port, not at sea

The EU Port Reception Facility directive obliges ports to provide adequate port reception facilities, ships delivering waste in the port and recommends a cost recovery system as an incentive. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has also developed a Port Reception...

  • 2020
Ecological Implications of Accelerated Seabed Mobility around Windfarms

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026
New opportunities for more competitive and sustainable blue growth in Atlantic Area

Access2Sea aims to improve the attractiveness of the Atlantic shore for aquaculture SMEs by enabling new business opportunities and providing sustainable and easier access to it. Its objective is to enhance the exploitation and preservation of the Atlantic Area’s natural...

  • 2022
Accessibilità Intermodalità – A.C.E
The Accessibilità Intermodalità is a joint management project in the Western Mediterranean basin of regional, national and cross-border transport systems to ensure a higher level intermodal services and accessibility to the poles of attraction, with regard to the flow of people and goods.
  • 2004
Action Plans for Integrated Regional Monitoring Programmes, Coordinated Programmes of Measures and Addressing Data and Knowledge Gaps in Mediterranean Sea

The main objective of this project was to support the development of regional action plans and best practices for integrated monitoring programmes, coordinated programmes of measures and the filing of data gaps for Mediterranean marine waters and thereby improve implementation...

  • 2017
Sharing marine and coastal cross management experiences in the Adriatic basin
The project promotes the sharing of marine and coastal management experiences in the Adriatic basin in order to foster the definition of a coherent and systematic planning and to contribute to the achievement of EUSAIR objectives.
  • 2016
Developing of Motorways of Sea system in Adriatic region

AdriaticMos contributed to the development of the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) in the Adriatic area as a core segment of the transport system of the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular through the elaboration of the Adriatic MoS Masterplan. The project...

  • 2014
ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning

ADRIPLAN aimed to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas: (1) Northern Adriatic Sea; (2) Southern Adriatic/Northern Ionian Sea.

The proposed approach was developed with...

  • 2015
Demonstration of large scale seaweed cultivation at open sea and the positive effects thereof on the ocean

Agriculture has been developing for millennia, but on the oceans hunting and gathering is still the norm. The project consortium sees opportunities for sea agriculture (i.e. seagriculture or mariculture) - more specifically the cultivation of seaweed - as it is...

  • 2022
AMARe - Actions for Marine Protected Areas
The project developed shared methodologies and geospatial tools for multiple stressors assessment, coordinated environmental monitoring, multi-criteria analyses and stakeholders' engagements to develop concrete pilot actions and coordinated strategies in selected Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to solve hot spots of conflicts affecting marine biodiversity and the services it provides.
  • 2019
AMPAMED – Areas Marinas Protegidas del Mediterráneo

The Project relies in the role of MPA for the sustainable development of local economic activities like artisanal, fishing and tourism. The main aim has been to use three Mediterranean MPAs, placed in three different regions (Córcega, Cerdeña and Murcia)...

  • 2008
Diving routes in marine protected areas of the Eastern Mediterranean - Development of diving tourism network

The project aims at developing a network of diving routes in marine areas as a tool for protecting the marine environment, preserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage, raising public awareness, promoting the sustainable development of tourism, especially diving...

  • 2022