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MSP EU Legend 6

This map was compiled from different international sources such as EMODnet, EEA or Marine Regions. Information obtained from these sources was cross-checked with data from national sources. While compilation was carried out by the European MSP Platform, validation and quality assurance remain the responsibility of the primary data sources.

Basic facts on Marine Waters

  • Italian internal waters cover a total of 39,339 km2 and its territorial sea, out to 12 nautical miles (as defined by UNCLOS) covers a total of 81,528 km2 (including 4,330 km2 islands, not included in water areas).
  • Italy has not yet declared any Exclusive Economic Zone.
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Maritime Spatial Plan(s)

Status: MSP Adopted

Italy adopted its Maritime Space Management Plans on 25th of September 2024 by Ministerial Decree No. 237.

View the Italian MSP here (in Italian)

MSP legislation

The EU MSP Directive was transposed into national legislation through the Legislative Decree 17 October 2016, n. 201. The Inter-ministerial Coordination Table for Maritime Spatial Planning completed guidelines containing indicators and criteria for the preparation of maritime spatial managment plans, published in the Decreee of the Presidency of Council of Ministries, 1 December 2017, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale on 24 January 2018, n.19. 

National MSP authority

Italy's competent authority for MSP is the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.


Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

Directorate General for the Sea, Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport

Via dell’Arte 16 – 00144 Rome

Director: Patrizia Scarchilli

E-mail: (segreteria[dot]dgvptm[at]mit[dot]gov[dot]it)       

Phone: 0039 06 5908 4205

For more information

For more information regarding the evolution of the MSP process in Italy please see the dedicated country profile below.