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We are happy to assist you with any kind of suggestion or question you may have, such as disseminating information on an MSP event or publication, or searching for relevant information and contacts to address your needs. For these types of inquiries, please Contact us. If your question is sea basin specific, please specify this in your question and we will make sure that the right sea basin expert will address your question! Your question will be answered shortly and answers will refer to practical information. Once your question has been answered, it may be generalised and added to the FAQ page.
Christopher McDougall
Project Leader
Christopher McDougall
infoatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Thanos Smanis
Expert Coordinator
Thanos Smanis
infoatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
North Sea MSP focal point
Patrycja Enet
northseaatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Kristina Veidemane
Baltic Sea MSP focal point
Kristina Veidemane
balticseaatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Black Sea MSP focal point
Natasa Vaidianu
blackseaatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Stella Kyvelou
East Med MSP focal point
Stella Kyvelou
eastmedatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Frédérick Herpers
Atlantic MSP focal point
Frédérick Herpers
atlanticatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Atlantic and West Med MSP focal point
Marta Pascual
westmedatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu
Ricardo Haroun Tabraue
Outermost regions MSP focal point
Ricardo J. Haroun Tabraue
outermostatmaritime-spatial-planning [dot] ec [dot] europa [dot] eu