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MSP Green Repository of best practises and lessons learnt
This file contains a Repository of best practices and lessons learnt from the project. It presents the Valuable Practices and the New Actions identified by the project in the MSP...
What do we talk about when we talk about integration: towards a differentiated view on integration and fragmentation in coastal and marine spatial planning
Maritime Studies 22, 5
Bob Dylan once sang that he contained multitudes. So too does integration. More integrated planning of coasts and oceans has long been hailed as a goal and is seen as...
Trade-offs between fisheries, offshore wind farms and marine protected areas in the southern North Sea – Winners, losers and effective spatial management
Marine Policy, Volume 152
There is an increasing need for marine spatial planning in the North Sea given the multiple uses with competing objectives. Plans to increase renewable energy production by establishing offshore wind...
Marine spatial planning to solve increasing conflicts at sea: A framework for prioritising offshore windfarms and marine protected areas
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 339.
Direct and indirect anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity and ecosystems are expected to lower the provided ecosystem services (ES) in the near future. To limit these impacts, protected areas will be...
Management of spatial data integrity including stakeholder feedback in Maritime Spatial Planning
Marine Policy, Volume 156, October 2023, 105799
The Maritime Spatial Planning process is data intensive, having to draw upon the best available data coming from many different sources. There are, therefore, multiple challenges in managing spatial data...
From marine snails to marine spatial planning: the science of human impacts and relationships with marine ecosystems
University of British Columbia
Extractive human systems are driving unprecedented biodiversity loss and exacerbating social inequity. The magnitude of the intertwined climate, biodiversity, and social inequity crises has prompted the development of interdisciplinary research...
Independent investigation in marine spatial planning: necessary or discretionary?
Public Inquiry is an established process for effective testing and scrutiny of plans in terrestrial planning and is regarded as a means of providing credibility and accountability. Independent Investigation is...
D38 - Production of datasets of transnational interest
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) emerged worldwide as an important policy tool for planning the different uses of Seas and Oceans efficiently, in order to achieve both a sustainable development of...
D16 - Evaluation Report Malta: Governance for MSP
In Malta, the Planning Authority (PA) is the Competent Authority for the MSP Directive and as partner to the MSP-MED project is focused on specific aspects concerning governance in support...
D6 Italy: System of Indicators to Monitor Plan Implementation and Performance
In Italy, as included in the art. 24 and 26 of National guidelines (Decree of the President of the Ministers Council, 1/12/2017) each plan must include a monitoring and control...
Monitoring and evaluation of maritime spatial planning – A review of accumulated practices and guidance for future action
Marine Policy Volume 150
The Maritime Spatial Planning Directive 2014/89/EU requires implementation of spatial planning in the marine waters of EU Member States and the establishment of maritime spatial plans by Member States at...
The human dimension dilemma in marine spatial planning
Scholars have criticised the practice of marine spatial planning because of its shortcomings in engaging the human dimension. However, working with social issues causes various planning dilemmas. This study develops...