Maritime Spatial Plan(s)
Status: Adopted
Spain adopted its maritime spatial plan, the Planes de Ordenación del Espacio Marítimo (POEM), in February 2023 by the Council of Ministers by Royal Decree. It establishes plans for each of the five Spanish marine subdivisions:
North Atlantic
South Atlantic
Estrecho and Alboran
Canary Islands.
Access Spain's Maritime Spatial Plan
Access the Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Spanish MSP
Latest MSP developments
Spain is currently working on implementing measures to fulfil the objectives stated under section 2.3 of the Royal Decree 150/2023, approving the maritime spatial plans, and related to the environmental assessment of the plans and associated revisions.
For more information please click here
MSP Legislation
The EU MSP Directive is transposed into national legislation through the Royal Decree 363/2017 on 8 April 2017 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning.
National MSP authority
Spain's Competent Authority for MSP is the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.
Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge,
Ms. Marta Martínez-Gil Pardo de Vera
Assistant Deputy Director for the Protection of the Sea (MMGil[at]miteco[dot]es)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Assessment
D. Eugenio Jesús Domínguez Collado
Subdirector General de Evaluación Ambiental (Buzon-sgea[at]miteco[dot]es)
Environmental Impact Assessment
General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Assesment
D. Eugenio Jesús Domínguez Collado
Subdirector General de Evaluación Ambiental
For more information
For more information regarding the evolution of the MSP process in Spain please see the dedicated country profile below.