This document is the technical report of the workshop led by MSP-MED which topic was "From data to knowledge. Supporting adaptive management in MSP". The main goal of this workshop was to exchange information on the different approaches undertaken for increasing availability and sharing of data used and generated within the national maritime planning processes of Mediterranean countries.
Questions this practice may help answer:
- How can an efficient and integrated Data Management support the development of MSP?
Implementation Context:
Data availability and sharing are necessary to support the MSP process from the initial phases, to plans and eventually to review. The MSP Directive requires the "best available data" to be taken into account when preparing MSP.
Aspects / Objectives:
This workshop reports on the information exchanges on different approaches to improve data availability, sharing and generation within the national MSP of Mediterranean countries.
The workshop addressed the following topics:
- Sharing best practices issued from past projects and national plans
- Acquisition of relevant data for MSP-Data Input
- Use of data in MSP-Data Output
- Beyond data-Towards an adaptive management
Main Outputs / Results:
The report presents the workshop discussion results:
1. Sharing best practices issued from past projects and national plans:
Presentation of best practices by Guest Institutions: CETMAR, HELCOM, & Marine Scotland
2. Acquisition of relevant data for MSP-Data Input
Presentation of 15 priority maps for improved data collection (CNR-ISMAR, Italy); presentation of the Spanish situation; presentation of the French situation with IFREMER and OFB; presentation of the data collection process in Greece (YPEN); presentation of the Maltese plan by the Planning Authority; presentation of the Slovenian situation (RRC Koper) and overview of their best available data.
3. Use of data in MSP-Data Output
Presentation of the Italian geodata portal (SID) created to support the MSP process in Italy.
Presentation of the Spanish Information system for MSP.
Presentation of the three main data portals in France and the work done to implement MSPD in French Mediterranean as Document Strategic de Façade Méditerranéenne (DSF).
Greece presented their national platform to integrate relevant data for MSP.
Presentation of the Maltese situation and future work.
Presentation of the Slovenian situation and future work.
4. Beyond data-Towards an adaptive management
Presentation of the Italian monitoring programme following a framework divided into six steps and related indicators.
Presentation of the Spanish Strategy to inform the public of workshops and events organised with the main stakeholders and the creation of a web application to collect data and present the information produced to the public.
Presentation of the French Monitoring framework.
Presentation of the necessity for a strategic assessment of plans and the development of key indicators to be related to MSP.
Presentation of the adoption of the Maltese plan, it’s associated monitoring programme and challenges related to its monitoring.
Presentation of the Slovenian situation and future work.
Good practices and workstream development presented in this report are appliable to other countries' MSP.
Responsible Entity:
Costs / Funding Source:
EU - Grant Agreement Number: 887390 - EU, EASME
Contact person:
Folco Soffietti - (folco[dot]soffietti[at]gmail[dot]com)