This report is a deliverable from the MSP-MED project. It presents the results of the workshop “Ecosystem-Based Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean which focuses on a set of themes of interest for EB-MSP implementation in the Mediterranean Sea. Project partners and experts shared their expertise on specific themes relating to EBA implementation in the steps of the MSP process.
Questions this practice may help answer:
- How can an Ecosystem Based Assessment support the MSP process in the west Mediterranean Sea?
Implementation Context:
More than 50 participants from Mediterranean countries attended the workshop on the importance of EBA for the MSP process. The following sessions were run:
- Overarching themes for EB-MSP implementation in the Mediterranean
- Linking an Ecosystem Approach with MSP in the MED
- Ecosystem Based Approach for healthy marine ecosystems
- Ecosystem based approach for sustainable food production in the Mediterranean
- Ecosystem based approaches for transboundary biodiversity conservation
- Parallel Sessions:
- EBA in the analysis phase
- EBA in the Design Phase
- Implementing an adaptive EB-MSP monitoring programme
Aspects / Objectives:
This MSP-Med project workshop aims to develop an effective application of the Ecosystem Based Assessment during the MSP process in the Mediterranean Sea by compiling experiences among project partners, with the assistance of other partners and from international experts and institutions. The key elements of integrating ecosystem-based approach principles into the MSP process are:
- the baseline principles recognised under the EBA definition;
- the potential for merging environmental quality management (e.g., MSFD) with MSP and the role of Strategic environmental assessment;
- the core elements for a sound EB-MSP implementation;
- the relevance of monitoring and the integration of near real-time data for dynamic management.
Different sessions were run throughout the entire workshop. These sessions focused on the importance of EBA in the MSP process for the Mediterranean Sea; presenting the national state of play, practices, and future works.
Main Outputs / Results:
The main outputs and results of the different sessions are provided as national progress factsheets. Common issues and challenges experienced by the different MS are provided.
The approach, defined in this report, to identify challenges and practices related to EBA and MSP can be implemented in other sea basins.
Responsible Entity:
Costs / Funding Source:
Contact person:
Daniele Brigolin (daniele[dot]brigolin[at]iuav[dot]it)