Overall Budget: € 355.000,00
The project aims to support objectives assigned in the Policy Area “Spatial Planning” of the EUSBSR, co-led by HELCOM and VASAB
build on the coordination activities started within the previous HASPS project (2015/2016), HASPS 2 project (2016/2018) and HASPS 3 project (2018/2021).
The project will improve the coordination of the strategic management of PA Spatial Planning, focusing on the following themes:
land-based spatial planning and maritime spatial planning
support the implementation of the pan-Baltic spatial planning framework.
The PASPS project aims to improve EUSBSR implementation and the VASAB Vision 2040 and strengthen the visibility, outreach, and integration of PA Spatial Planning to other regional and European activities, as well as promoting the flagship projects and their results.
PASPS Project activities:
- Strengthening the coordination of the strategic management of PA “Spatial Planning” by improving the coordination between two of its Steering groups (VASAB CSPD/BSR and the joint HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG).
- Reporting on the latest updates and activities related to EUSBSR, ensuring the availability and circulation of information concerning PA “Spatial Planning”.
- Enhancing links between the EUSBSR framework and VASAB Vision 2040 to ensure aligned implementation by actively involving other Policy area coordinators in the development and implementation of the VASAB Vision 2040.
- Enhancing the consistency between PA “Spatial Planning” and the implementation of the Regional Maritime Spatial Planning Roadmap 2021-2030 and EU MSP Directive (2014/89/EU) in coherence with maritime spatial plans and promoting activities towards transboundary MSP data availability.
- Improving outreach and integration of PA “Spatial Planning” to other regional and European activities (e.g. EUSSBR Annual Forums, European Maritime Days, MSP Conferences etc.); targeting EUSSBR coordinators (e.g. PA Transport, PA Energy etc.), regional stakeholders and authorities at different levels about its aims and the necessary actions required to improve the cooperation.
- Following-up on the implementation of the activities and Flagship projects, their outputs and interacting with project partners.
More information are available here.