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Baltic Sea

MSP EU Legend 3
This map was compiled from different international sources such as EMODnet, EEA or Marine Regions. Information obtained from these sources was cross-checked with data from national sources. While compilation was carried out by the European MSP Platform, validation and quality assurance remain the responsibility of the primary data sources.

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General Introduction to the Baltic Sea basin*

The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea basin with a total area of 397,978 km². It is bordered by eight EU member states (Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden) and Russia. The Baltic Sea can be divided into the following sub-regions: the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Bothnia, the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Proper (which includes the Gulf of Gdansk), the Danish Straits and the Kattegat

The Baltic Sea is a relatively shallow body of water with an average depth of only 54m. It is a brackish water ecosystem characterised by high biological production. The coastal ecosystem operates as a breeding and nursery ground for many fish and invertebrates, and deeper waters provide habitat for pelagic fish, such as herring and sprat.

The different activities such as shipping, fisheries, wind farms, aquaculture, tourism or mineral extraction, are increasingly competing for the limited sea space in the Baltic Sea. On top of this, the unique and fragile Baltic marine and coastal ecosystem, rich cultural heritage and the increasing threats of climate change call for a balanced multi-sectorial approach. 

* References: Furman, E., Pihlajamäki, M., Välipakka, P., & Myrberg, K. (2013). The Baltic Sea: Environment and Ecology. Presentation, Helsinki // BaltSeaPlan

Countries and MSP in the Baltic Sea

Denmark: MSP Adopted

Estonia: MSP Adopted

Finland:MSP Adopted

Germany: MSP Adopted

Latvia: MSP Adopted

Lithuania: MSP Adopted 

Poland: MSP Adopted

Sweden: MSP Adopted

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