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MSP EU Legend 3

This map was compiled from different international sources such as EMODnet, EEA or Marine Regions. Information obtained from these sources was cross-checked with data from national sources. While compilation was carried out by the European MSP Platform, validation and quality assurance remain the responsibility of the primary data sources.

Basic facts on Marine Waters

  • Estonia internal waters (to the baseline) and territorial sea out to 12 nautical miles (as defined by UNCLOS) cover a total area of approximately 25 200 km².
  • Estonia Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covers and area of 11 300 km².
  • The EEZ between Estonia and Russia is not agreed.
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Maritime Spatial Plan(s)

Status: Adopted

The Estonian Maritime Spatial Planning process was initiated in May 2015 and the government adopted its Plan in May 2022. 

Estonia's MSP is available here (in English)

The Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Estonian MSP is available here

In October 2012 the Government of Estonia initiated two pilot maritime spatial plans – in the areas around Hiiu Island and Pärnu Bay - to support the establishment of a legal process to create MSP legislation. The Hiiu pilot was adopted in 2016. The Pärnu Bay pilot was adopted in April 2017. However, offshore wind energy has been excluded within the Hiiu pilot MSP, by the decision of the National Court of Estonia on August 8th 2018. All other sector-related aspects are still legally binding. They remain in effect even after the adoption of the new national MSP.

Latest MSP developments

Estonia is currently monitoring its maritime spatial plan to gather the necessary information for the annual review of the associated Action Plan.

Next Steps

The development of offshore wind farms is ongoing (licensing and auction processes) as planned by the maritime spatial plan.

For more information please click here

MSP legislation 

The EU MSP Directive is transposed into national legislation through the Estonian Planning Act, which provides the legal framework for Planning on land and in Estonia’s marine waters (EEZ, territorial sea, and inland waters) and which entered into force in July 2015.

National MSP authority

Estonia's competent authority for MSP is the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications


Lember Reiman

Adviser - Department of Spatial Planning

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Phone: +37258851406

Email: (lembe[dot]reiman[at]mkm[dot]ee) | Suur-Ameerika 1, Tallinn

MSP Data Focal point:                 

Ms Taavi Pipar 

Adviser of the Planning Department 

Phone: +372 611 3223 

E-mail: (taavi[dot]pipar[at]agri[dot]ee)

For more information

For more information regarding the evolution of the MSP process in Estonia please see the dedicated country profile below.