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MSP EU Legend 3

This map was compiled from different international sources such as EMODnet, EEA or Marine Regions. Information obtained from these sources was cross-checked with data from national sources. While compilation was carried out by the European MSP Platform, validation and quality assurance remain the responsibility of the primary data sources.

Basic facts on Marine Waters

  • Danish sea covers a total area of 105,000 km2, including its marine internal waters covering 3,500 km2 and its territorial sea out to 12 nautical miles (as defined by UNCLOS) covering 40,000 km2
  • Its Exclusive Economic Zone (as defined by UNCLOS) covers 61,500 km2
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Maritime Spatial Plan(s) 

Status: Adopted

Denmark adopted and launched its maritime spatial plan in March 2021. The Danish MSP was issued as an executive order and is therefore legally binding. 

The Danish MSP, through the Geographical Information System (GIS), is available here

The Danish MSP is the first legally binding digital map of Denmark and the Danish waters. 

View the brochure on Legally Binding Digital Maps here (in English)

Prior to 2021, Denmark did not have a holistic spatial plan for the sea, however, a range of sectoral plans have been in use. These plans have provided key contributions to the MSP planning process in Denmark. 

Latest MSP developments

The maritime spatial plan was reviewed based on a proposal from the Danish Maritime Authority to increase the offshore energy and biodiversity targets in the national MSP. An agreement on the new targets was reached by the Danish Parliament in the summer of 2023. 

Public consultation on the draft MSP amendments and the environmental assessment was launched in November 2023 for a period of ten weeks until February 2024.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency reviewed the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the amendments to the Danish MSP until February 2024, in accordance with the convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context (Espoo-Convention). The results of the public and transboundary consultation fed the finalisation of amendments to the current Danish MSP which were issued.

Next steps

The amendments to the current MSP are expected to be approved in the following months.

For more information please click here

MSP legislation

The EU MSP Directive is transposed into national legislation throught the Maritime Spatial Planning Act, which establishes the framework for spatial planning in the Danish marine areas. 

National MSP authority

Denmark's competent authority for MSP, Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), Ministry of Business and Growth.


The Danish MSP Secretariat
Danish Maritime Authority
E-mail: (havplan[at]dma[dot]dk) 

For more information

For more information regarding the evolution of the MSP process in Denmark please see the dedicated country profile below.