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InterVision concept

Presentation by Lodewijk Abspoel


The intervision concept is an alternative method can be used to facilitate cooperative learning during workshops. It has been applied for at the European Maritime Day 2016 in Turku.

Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer

  • Which alternative method can be used to facilitate cooperative learning?

Implementation Context

The Blue Growth InterVision workshop was held during the European Maritime Days 2016 in Turku, Finland. The workshop focussed on sustainable economic strategies through cooperative learning. Participants were invited to help one of five case-holders to explore with them pathways foreword in their Blue Growth challenge. InterVision was used as the workshop method.

Aspects / Objectives

  • Create an effective and innovative working method to make practical progress in EU dossiers.
  • Use an alterative method for exchanging best practices


5-step method has been used:

  1. Question Introduction: The case provider introduces his/her case/issue and offers brief explanation (5 min)
  2. Problem Familiarization: Group participants familiarize themselves with the problem through questioning (15 min)
  3. Problem Definition : Group participants formulate one of more  problem definitions. The case provider listens to the definitions and proceeds to restructure and formulate (15 min)
  4. Advising: Each group formulates at least one advice/recommendation to the case provider, who then identifies those which do or do not appeal to him/her (15min)
  5. Evaluation: The case provider then evaluates the consultation process : experiences and influence of the feedback received from group participants (10 min)

Main Outputs / Results

The presentation of the EMD 2016 Intervision workshop can be found here


Can the practice be applied in other contexts? What makes the practice transferable? What are enabling factors to have in place to ensure practice can work in another context?

  • The method can be applied for in other workshops
  • Good preparation and task separation is necessary to foster cooperative learning

Responsible Entity

The workshops was organised by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Contact person

Lodewijk Abspoel

Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Netherlands (Lodewijk[dot]Abspoel[at]minienm[dot]nl)