Maritime spatial planning is an initiative that is yet to be fully incorporated into maritime policy making in the Black Sea region. Bulgaria adopted the plan in May 2023. Romania still must fulfil their obligations to deliver the national Maritime Spatial Plan, in accordance with the EU Directive for MSP.
Historically speaking, MSP was first introduced at the regional level through the Plan Coast Project, 2006-2008, in Bulgaria and Romania, which were preparing for pre-accession at that time. MSP was part of ICZM from the beginning, and was used as tool for sustainable development and integrated management. As a result of cooperation in the context of the Black Sea Commission, as part of its Advisory Group on the Development of Common Methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management ICZM, MSP was taken into account in the elaboration of different regional ICZM documents. Romania has been the only country to have an ICZM Law, and a National Committee of Coastal Zone under the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests, Bucharest. Thus, in Romania, the development of MSP was based on the previous ICZM experiences.
In 2013, the first inventory of Black Sea MSP was started by the ICZM Project “Black Sea CBC – Joint Operational Programme” regarding national policies for marine space, data collection and information exchange, cooperation with Member States, and cooperation with third countries.
The projects MARSPLAN BS (2015-2018) and MARSPLAN BS II (2019-2021) are two important projects in this respect, as they include the development of a fully-fledged, formal maritime spatial plan for the cross-border area of Mangalia-Shabla (Romania and Bulgaria). While the first project aimed at developing foundations (methodology, indicators, rules, strategies) for MSP and developing several case studies in Romania and Bulgaria, the second project aims at developing a common MSP strategy based on the results of the first plan and should lead to the elaboration of MSP plans for both countries.
Collaboration in the sea basin between EU Member States and third Black Sea countries has been effective through various projects such as the MISIS project (2014) involving Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey on protected areas, or the ANEMONE project (2018) involving Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine, and which aimed at sharing knowledge, innovation and good practices.
Find out more about governance in the Northeast Atlantic sea basin
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission)
The Black Sea Commission was established with the entry into force of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, which was signed in Bucharest in 1992. The Commission ensures that the provisions of the Convention are respected and acts on the implementation of the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan
The Black Sea Synergy is an EU-led regional cooperation framework for the Black Sea littoral states. The Synergy functions as a forum for the discussion of common problems and is meant to provide policy guidance in the implementation of joint initiatives, such as MSP.
Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
BSEC is a regional economic organisation, which fosters multilateral political and economic initiatives. It includes 12 member states, all of them bordering the Black Sea with the exception of Serbia. The organisation does not have a specific thematic focus and supports activities in a wide range of policy fields.
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank is an international financial institution with a focus on the Black Sea region. The bank is envisaged as a supporting mechanism for regional cooperation and economic development through lending, guarantees and equity participation in private enterprises and public entities in the member countries.
Black Sea Cross-Border Cooperation
In December 2015 the European Commission adopted the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020. The Programme is funded under the European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross Border Cooperation and will contribute to a stronger and sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin by funding projects to promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin and to promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin.
The Black Sea NGO Network is a regional association of NGOs, whose focus is centred on the preservation of the environment and the achievement of a sustainable development. The association includes more than 60 members, who aim to facilitate the free flow and exchange of information, resources and good practices across the countries of the Black Sea region.
GFCM Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS)
Shipping and Ports
European Community Ship owners’ Associations (ECSA)
Nature Protection
The Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Black Sea Commission)
Black Sea Commission Activity Centers: Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, Odessa, Ukraine (AC PMA)
Offshore Renewable Energy
GFCM Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS)
Scientific Research
National Institute for Marine Research and Development Grigore Antipa, Constanta
National Institute of Geology and Geo-ecology, Constanta Branch, GeoEcoMar
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development, Tulcea
Maritime University, Constanta
Institute of Oceanology – Varna, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Fishing Resources - Varna
Black Sea SCENE: Black Sea Scientific Network