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Showing results 13 - 24 of 904
Fractal dimension of Posidonia oceanica meadows for the assessment of their ecological condition
Ecological analyses are aimed at characterising the complexity of the structure of natural objects, yet their heterogeneity is hardly described by the Euclidean concepts. For such a purpose, fractal geometry...
Integrated Report on Stakeholder Involvement and Engagement in Maritime Spatial Planning
Within the framework of the project ‘Strengthening the Capacity of MSP Stakeholders and Decision Makers: Capacity4MSP’, a practical, interactive collaboration platform for maritime spatial planning (hereinafter – MSP) stakeholders, practitioners...
Locus of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP): A Data-Driven, Place-Based and Participatory Planning Perspective
During the last decade, the rising interest in the marine world has provided the planning discourse with new issues such as the protection and preservation, as well as sustainable and...
D19 Slovenia: Workshop report 1: Development vision, objectives and concept for Koper Bay
This report is a deliverable from the MSP-MED project. It presents the results of the workshop "Development vision, objectives and concept for Koper Bay". The purpose of preparing the vision, goals...
D50 - Task 4.1 MSP Plans in MSPMED: main facts
The aim of this report is the creation of comparison factsheets of the national MSP plans from the MSPMED partner countries in order to detect common points and principal differences...
D25 Report of Technical Workshops - IV Workshop “From data to knowledge. Supporting adaptive management in MSP“.
This document is the technical report of the workshop led by MSP-MED which topic was "From data to knowledge. Supporting adaptive management in MSP". The main goal of this workshop...
D24 Technical workshop Report - 3rd Technical workshop “Ecosystem-Based Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean
This report is a deliverable from the MSP-MED project. It presents the results of the workshop “Ecosystem-Based Maritime Spatial Planning in the Mediterranean which focuses on a set of themes...
GPS-AZORES: Geographical and Political Scenarios in Maritime Spatial Planning for the Azores and North Atlantic
From the Law of the Sea perspective, marine waters and seabed between Europe and North America are increasingly within national jurisdictions, due to submissions to the Commission on the Limits...
Macroalgae production in Northern Europe: Business and government perspectives on how to regulate a novel blue bioeconomy
Macroalgae biomass production, understood as cultivation and harvesting, is a minor industry in Europe atpresent, but the sector is recognized as having substantial growth potential. Here, we framed the environmental...
Unravelling the ecological impacts of large-scale offshore wind farms in the Mediterranean Sea
Science of The Total Environment
The need for alternative energy systems like offshore wind power to move towards the Green Deal objectives is undeniable. However, it is also increasingly clear that biodiversity loss and climate...
Environmental monitoring tools and strategies in salmon net-pen aquaculture
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, Volume 18, Issue 4 p. 950-963
Synthesis Report on the Experience from MSP in the Baltic Sea Region and Resultant Policy Messages
The Synthesis report on the experience gained from maritime spatial planning (MSP) projects in the Baltic Sea Region and the resultant policy messages was developed by the consortium leading the...