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D38 - Production of datasets of transnational interest



Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) emerged worldwide as an important policy tool for planning the different uses of Seas and Oceans efficiently, in order to achieve both a sustainable development of the Blue economy and a long-lasting safeguarding of marine resources. MSP is also recognized as a useful tool to strengthen cross-border cooperation and to support improved ocean governance, in order to avoid different kinds of conflicts. Within the EU's marine waters, the Mediterranean Sea represent a very complex and delicate area, for both the presence of a large number of non-EU countries, the difficult geo-political situation in some hotspots, the intense maritime uses and the very differentiated environmental-marine characteristics.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Key words:
Implementation Context:

This document was developed in the context of the MSP-MED project (Towards the operational implementation of MSP in our common Mediterranean Sea) within the Work Package 4 - Cooperation among MS.

Aspects / Objectives:

This document details the data identified to be of interest at a transnational level for both maritime safety and surveillance and maritime spatial planning.


This deliverable is based on data analysis. The French dataset was primarily produced by Shom (French reference data provider) or gathered within Shom’s database and complemented with other data collected from external providers. The associated metadata provide information on the platforms displaying the data that was sourced.

Main Outputs / Results:

The study demonstrated that data relevant to both MSP and maritime surveillance, as well as to the environment, could be gathered among partners, and therefore constitutes a steppingstone towards building a broader and stronger dataset of interest from both cross border and cross-sectorial perspectives.


This document is of interest to the countries targeted by the MSP-Med project. Nevertheless, the approach presented here can be used as an example for other cases.  

Responsible Entity:

MSP-Med Project

Costs / Funding Source:

The work described in this report was supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union- through the Grant Agreement number 887390 - MSPMED- EMFF-MSP2019, corresponding to the Call for proposal Call EMFF-MSP-2019 (Maritime Spatial Planning) Topic: EMFF-MSP-2019 Type of action: EMFF-AG for Projects on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).

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