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D6 Italy: System of Indicators to Monitor Plan Implementation and Performance



In Italy, as included in the art. 24 and 26 of National guidelines (Decree of the President of the Ministers Council, 1/12/2017) each plan must include a monitoring and control system, as well as the measurement of results, to be implemented through appropriate procedures and indicators provided in the drafting phase of the plan. The Monitoring Program is carried out by the Competent Authority (MIMS) supported by the Technical Committee, which annually informs the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Board of the status of their implementation. This document is a deliverable from the MSP-Med project focusing on the elaboration of a set of indicators to be implemented within the monitoring plan implementation of the Italian MSP.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Key words:
Implementation Context:

This document was developed in the context of the MSP-MED project (Towards the operational implementation of MSP in our common Mediterranean Sea) within the Work Package 2 – Setting-up Maritime Spatial Plans, task number 2.1 Italy: Vision, strategic objectives and vocation analysis for the Italian maritime areas.

Aspects / Objectives:

This document provides a description of the institutional background and elaborates a conceptual framework for the design of the monitoring strategy of maritime spatial plans in Italy.


The deliverable provides six key steps to build an Integrated Monitoring Programme (MP) of Maritime Spatial Plans:

STEP 1 - Resume plan objectives
STEP 2 - Identify the actors
STEP 3 - Definition of indicators
STEP 4 - Integration of existing programmes or new findings
STEP 5 - Sources of data and information
STEP 6 - Periodic Reporting

Main Outputs / Results:

Methodological inputs are provided to build a flexible and integrated monitoring plan for the Italian MSP


This document is specific to the Italian situation regarding MSP monitoring, meaning that results cannot be transferred to other countries, however this document can be used as an example for other cases.

Responsible Entity:

MSP-Med Project

Costs / Funding Source:

The work described in this report was supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union - through the Grant Agreement number 887390 - MSPMED- EMFF-MSP2019, corresponding to the Call for proposal Call EMFF-MSP-2019 (Maritime Spatial Planning) Topic: EMFF-MSP-2019 Type of action: EMFF-AG for Projects on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).

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