This pilot plan on the Tyrrhenian offshore area focuses on cross-border aspects between Tuscany and Sardinia that must be taken into consideration when developing a MSP plan.
Questions this practice may help answer:
- How are transboundary aspects addressed within an MSP process?
Implementation Context:
This pilot project was developed as an output from the SIMWESTMED project to demonstrate how cross-border cooperation can be achieved in MSP in the study area.
Aspects / Objectives:
The aim of this pilot study was to provide an analysis of how cross-border cooperation between Italy and France can be achieved in the Tyrrhenian area.

The case study was based on an analysis of the overall framework of the relevant legal and institutional instruments for the implementation of the MSP Directive through cross-border collaboration.
This was done through:
- Consultations with the relevant project partners on the process of the cross-border cooperation between the Italian and French case study areas;
- Analysis of the legal and institutional framework, as well as of the governance aspects of a transboundary cooperation in maritime spatial planning to develop a common vision for the implementation of the provisions of the MSP Directive, with particular reference to the protection of marine mammals in the Tyrrhenian case study area;
- Identification of the main requirements for transnational MSP, considering general experience;
- Analysis of the MSP process at the national level, including participation of the key stakeholders (main institutional actors) relevant for the transboundary activities in the case study area;
- Overview of the existing regional institutional cooperation structures in the pilot area, supporting a transnational collaboration in the fields relevant for MSP, with a particular attention to the Barcelona Convention, as the first RSC, and the related MAP Components, specifically REMPEC and SPA/RAC; as well as other international Agreements, networks or structures of Member States’ competent authorities, such as Pelagos and Ramoge Agreements; as well as other methods in the context of sea-basin strategies;
- Drafting proposals on the harmonised MSP approach in the pilot area, within the framework of an integrated ICZM/MSP approach, considering the appropriate measures to guarantee a favourable conservation status of marine mammals.
Concrete spatial planning exercise in the selected focus area of the Tuscan Archipelago by operationalizing and testing the MSP process through the involvement of multi-level stakeholders.
Main Outputs / Results:
- A report giving an overview of the marine environment, environmental conservation needs, maritime uses, legal framework and governance aspects, msp process overview at a national level and identification of legal and policy documents for the implementation of the MSP directive for the study area
- A zoning strategic planning proposal for the Tuscan Archipelago was developed after the methodological analysis of the relevant aspects for the area, and including marine mammals’ protection objectives

This case study can be used as a methodological and knowledge base for the development of maritime spatial plans in adjacent areas in the Western Mediterranean.
Responsible Entity:
Costs / Funding Source:
EU Project Grant No.: EASME/EMFF/2015/
Contact person:
Elisabetta Manea
IUAV (emanea[at]iuav[dot]it)
Daniela Addis
UNEP PAP/RAC (addis[at]camp-italy[dot]org)