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Achieving commitment to ICZM through stakeholder engagement


A range of reports on stakeholder engagement activities, including reports on the annual coastal forum for Belgium; For Dorset a web-based interactive tool was developed, called "iCoast". It has information on 26 different watersport and coastal activities in Dorset.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer

  • What on-line tools could support marine planning in Dorset and Belgium?
  • How can information be best made accessible?

Implementation Context

The C-SCOPE (Combining Sea and Coastal Planning in Europe) Project had 3 main objectives:

  1. Develop a framework for integrating terrestrial and marine planning;
  2. Tools for achieving sustainable coastal economies and environments; and
  3. Stakeholder engagement to achieving commitment to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

The project was in part a way to test the principles for MSP as communicated in the European Commission’s “Roadmap for Maritime Spatial Planning: Achieving Common Principles in the EU” published in 2008, prior to the development of the EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, and recognising that MSP would be required in coming years.

This report highlights outputs of activity area 3 of C-Scope: Achieving commitment to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) through stakeholder engagement.

Aspects / Objectives

  • Highlight and enhance stakeholder awareness of coastal issues
  • Develop an on-line tool for stakeholder interaction


A range of reports on stakeholder engagement activities were compiled, including reports on the annual coastal forum for Belgium. For Dorset a web-based interactive tool was developed called "iCoast" with information on 26 different watersport and coastal activities in Dorset.

This is the logo for the iCoast project

Main Outputs / Results

The final reports and materials relating to the CSCOPE project are available on line (

Outputs in relation to Stakeholder engagement to achieving commitment to Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) include:


  • Coastal Forum

At the Belgian Coastal Forum a publication is always presented with the news headlines of the coast:

The Coast 2008 (only available in Dutch)

The Coast 2009 (only available in Dutch)

The Coast 2010 (only available in Dutch)

The Coast 2011 (only available in Dutch)

  • iCoast

iCoast enables visitors and residents to plan a wide range of water sports and coastal activities in Dorset. Whether you are a kayaker, sailor, surfer, climber, sea angler, scuba diver or walker, the site is a mine of useful information. It covers everything from slipways to cycle routes to hire shops – it is possible to check real-time weather, tidal and current information and sea conditions. iCoast is online here:


This aspect of C-SCOPE highlighted and developed approaches to stakeholder engagement to support planning in specific areas; Belgium and Dorset. The material is substantially relevant to those particular areas and will be of use to developing marine planning efforts within those jurisdictions (and some materials are exclusively in Dutch). Broader evaluation of their on-going utility and success will be required for relevance to other EU coastal areas.

Responsible Entity

C-SCOPE is a European collaboration between the Dorset Coast Forum (DCF) and The Coordination Centre on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Belgium

Costs / Funding Source

EU INTERREG IV A ‘Two Seas’ Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 and part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund). Direct costs of its elaboration are unknown.

Contact Person

Coordination Centre on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Belgium
E-mail: (info[at]kustbeheer[dot]be)
Contacts: (kathy[dot]belpaeme[at]kustbeheer[dot]be); (Hannelore[dot]maelfait[at]kustbeheer[dot]be); (Sylvia[dot]theunynck[at]kustbeheer[dot]be)

Dorset Coast Forum
E-mail: (dorset[dot]coast[at]dorsetcc[dot]gov[dot]uk)
Contacts: (k[dot]buchan[at]dorsetcc[dot]gov[dot]uk); (b[dot]betts[at]dorsetcc[dot]gov[dot]uk); (ness[dot]smith[at]dorsetcc[dot]gov[dot]ukv)