Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:
EU DG Mare – European Integrated Maritime Policy
About the Project:
The Plan Bothnia project has tested transboundary Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea. The project used the Bothnian Sea area between Sweden and Finland as a case study and focused on planning inventory and the elaboration of MSP rules and principles for this area.
The project held five meetings with partners and invited participants focusing on different steps needed to reach the final goal: the pilot plan for the Bothnian Sea.
The project results were documented in the book “Planning the Bothnian Sea”, which was prepared as a collective effort by six partners and numerous participants from regional and national authorities in Sweden and Finland.

Project partners
- Baltic Sea Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) Secretariat - Lead Partner
- Swedish Board of Fisheries (on 1. July 2011 Fiskeriverket was dissolved and the unit involved in Plan Bothnia was transferred to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) (SE)
- Finnish Environment Institute (FI)
- Centre for Maritime Studies (FI)
- Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (SE)
- VASAB 2010
- Nordregio