Maritime Spatial Plan(s)
Status: Adopted
MSP legislation
The national legal basis for MSP is the general Spatial Planning Act („Raumordnungsgesetz“/ROG), which was made applicable to the EEZ in 2004*. The Spatial Planning Act provides the legal basis for the “Maritime Spatial Plan for the EEZ of the Baltic Sea” and the “Maritime Spatial Plan for the EEZ of the North Sea”. The EEZ is governed at the federal level, the territorial sea is an integrated part of the (terrestrial) spatial plans of the coastal federal states. In addition to ROG, the legal basis for these plans is provided by the respective spatial planning law of each federal state.
National MSP authority
Germany's competent authority for MSP is the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
Mr Kai Trümpler - (kai[dot]truempler[at]bsh[dot]de)
Head of Unit Maritime Spatial Planning
Internal Waters and the Territorial Sea:
Schleswig-Holstein (State Chancellery of the State Schleswig-Holstein)
Mr Frank Liebrenz - (frank[dot]liebrenz[at]stk[dot]landsh[dot]de)
Ministry of Energy, Infrastructure and State Development Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Ms Petra Schmidt-Kaden - (petra[dot]schmidt-kaden[at]em[dot]mv-regierung[dot]de)
Lower Saxony (Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection)
Petra Sewig - (petra[dot]sewig[at]ml[dot]niedersachsen[dot]de)
For more information
For more information regarding the evolution of the MSP process in Germany please see the dedicated country profile below.