Marine spatial planning challenge 2050 sessions
The Marine Spatial Planning Challenge 2050 is a computer supported simulation-game that gives maritime spatial planners insight in the diverse challenges of sustainable planning of human activities in the marine and coastal ecosystem. The objective of the simulation-game is to significantly contribute to policy learning and international planning practices with regard to integrated (eco-based) Marine Spatial Planning. Organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (the Netherlands), Rijkswaterstaat, Signature Games.
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Blue Planning in practice
The Blue Planning training course aims to strengthen practical planning and implementation informed by decades of practical experiences and learning in the eld. This course therefore provides an introduction to the theory and practical starting points of coastal and marine spatial planning. The course is based on a case method, which conveys teaching messages mainly through interactive practical work by trainees.
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The European Maritime Safety Agency offers the learning management system 'Maritime Knowledge Centre' (MaKCs), a web platform offering several courses. A newly added section concerning Maritime Spatial Planning is now available. The content of Directive 2014/89/EU establishing a framework for Maritime Spatial Planning is presented, as well as best practice examples of what is being done by EU Member States in the field.
To have access to this courses contact your country focal point.
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Learn Ocean Governance
The GEF LME:LEARN Ocean Governance online course provides an introduction into governance concepts relevant for practitioners working within Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) and their Coasts. This course aims to provide project leads, partners, and others with practical approaches, lessons on governance and illustrative case studies. It also serves to promote an integrated, collaborative approach to ocean and coastal management.
LEARN Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning
The GEF LME:LEARN Transboundary Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) and Sustainable Blue Economy Course provides an introduction into MSP concepts relevant for practitioners working within Large Marine Ecosystems and their Coasts. This course aims to provide project leads, partners, and others with practical approaches, lessons on MSP and illustrative case studies. It also serves to promote an integrated, collaborative approach to ocean and coastal management with a special emphasis on LMEs.