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Panache-Réseau d'aire marines protégées sur l'ensemble de l'écosystème de la Manche

Funding Programme:




Completion Year:

Contact Person(s):

PANACHE coordination team

Agence des aires marines protégées

Antenne Manche Mer du Nord


rue du colonel Fabien / 76083 Le Havre cedex / France

tel: +33 (0)235192999

Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:

Interreg 2007 - 2013 France (Channel) - England (FR-UK)


Overall Budget: € 4.774.334,00

EU Contribution: € 2.387.168,00

About the Project:

The PANACHE project aimed at networking Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Channel area, in order to determine common assessment and management methods, taking into consideration the ecological coherence of those cross-border marine areas. The project also provides for the development of joint strategies for protecting birds in those coastal areas.
Achievements: Involve students and schools in scientific projects, this was one of the challenges taken up by the PANACHE project, which developed effective methods to raise awareness among young people. As part of the PANACHE project, an educational and fun video game for all audiences, known as a “serious game”, was developed in order to raise awareness of the marine environment among young people and adults (collecting waste on beaches, identifying species, etc.).

Project partners

Agence des Aires Marines Protégées

Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Dorset Wildlife Trust


Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Ifremer (French research institute for exploitation of the sea)

Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority

Kent Wildlife Trust (KWT)

Plymouth University Marine Institute

Nausicaá, the French National Sea Centre

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)