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PANACeA - Streamlining management efforts in Protected Areas for an enhanced Protection in the Mediterranean Sea

PANACeA logo

Funding Programme:



Completion Year:

Contact Person(s):

Dania Abdul Malak
European Topic Centre at University of Malaga, ETC-UMA
E-mail: (daniaabdulmalak[at]uma[dot]es)

Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:

Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020


Overall Budget: € 1.222.456,00

EU Contribution: € 1.039.087,60

About the Project:

The objective of PANACeA is to streamline networking and management efforts in Mediterranean Protected Areas (PAs) as a mechanism to enhance nature conservation and protection in the region. The project aims to ensure synergies between relevant Mediterranean stakeholders –including managers, policymakers, socio-economic actors, civil society and the scientific community – and to increase the visibility and impacts of their projects’ results towards common identified strategical targets. It acts as the communication and capitalisation instrument of the projects dealing with protection of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Through its tool, the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Knowledge Platform, PANACeA will ensure the transfer of synthesised projects’ outcomes and their dissemination across and beyond the region.

The main thematic focus areas include coastal and marine management, biodiversity monitoring, sustainable use of natural resources, management of protected areas, global changes, governance, cooperation and scientific and innovative methodologies, under the umbrella of a nine initial projects:

  • ACT4LITTER (marine waste in marine protected areas)
  • AMAre (marine spatial planning and PAs)
  • CONFISH (network of fish stock recovery areas)
  • ECOSUSTAIN (water quality monitoring solutions in protected wetlands)
  • FishMPABlue2 (governance of artisanal fisheries in protected areas)
  • MEDSEALITTER (marine waste management)
  • MPA-ADAPT (adaptation of MPAs to climate change)
  • POSBEMED (strategy for joint management of Posidonia beaches and dunes)
  • WETNET (wetland governance)
  • PHAROS4MPAS (Blue Economy and Marine Conservation: Safeguarding Mediterranean MPAs in order to achieve Good Environmental Status)

  • PLASTICBUSTERS  MPAS (Preserving biodiversity from plastics in Mediterranean MPAs)

and additional projects to be included in the coming period.

Conceptual scheme of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Knowledge Platform to be developed by PANACeA. Source: PANACeA project

Project partners:

PANACeA involves the following partners:

  • European Topic Centre at University of Malaga, ETC-UMA (Spain), Lead partner
  • Plan Bleu of UNEP/MAP (France)
  • Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe, CPMR (France)
  • Mediterranean Universities Union, UNIMED (Italy)
  • Barcelona Metropolitan Area, acting as MEDCITIES General Secretariat (Spain)
  • Regional Environmental Centre, REC (Montenegro)