European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund
The MSP-GREEN project contributes to align maritime spatial plans to the ambition of the EGD by creating a framework for plans as marine enablers of the EGD. The framework will provide a cross-cutting approach to the EGD key topics relevant for marine environment and sustainable transition of blue economy: climate change, circular blue economy, marine biodiversity, marine renewable energies, sustainable food provision. Recommendations on how to strengthen the EGD ambition of EU MSP plans will be prepared. The sea basins’ dimension will be promoted by considering environmental, socio-economic, and cultural specificities also, via dedicated Ocean Literacy driven communication.
Based on the provisions of the MSP Directive, Member States delivered, or are in the process of finalising, their MSP plans. However, the elaboration of plans started years ago. In the meanwhile, environmental and socio-economic targets have changed. The MSP Directive recognizes that healthy marine ecosystems, if integrated in planning decisions, can deliver substantial benefits and sustainable blue economy can be developed. In 2019 the EU launched the EGD and in 2021 the Communication COM/2021/240 was adopted, defining an agenda for the green transition of maritime sectors and evidencing the need to promote the achievement of EGD goals in the marine domain. The project considers five sea basins: the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.
The specific objectives of the project
- Assess whether and how MSP plans have considered the EGD objectives.
- Assess what are the major gaps, challenges and trade-offs in mainstreaming EGD into MSP.
- Identify and exchange valuable practises of incorporation of EGD elements in MSP plans.
- Identify, design and start implementing additional actions to strengthen the implementation of EGD-related objectives.
- Provide recommendations to EU countries on how to use MSP in fostering the achievement of the EGD goals.
- Engage regional sea communities – including non-EU countries – in a dialogue on the EGD ambition and the role of marine planning for a Sustainable Blue Economy.
Project work plan
WP1 “Project management and coordination” leads the project to operational and financial achievements
WP2 “Analysis and evaluation of EGD ambition integration into MSP plans” evaluates whether and how MSP plans have considered the EGD objectives and identify the major gaps. (Feeding WP3 and WP4).
WP3 “Strengthening MSP contribution to EGD'' fosters the role of national MSP Plans in contributing to EGD objectives (WP2). (Feeding WP4).
WP4 “Towards a Greener MSP for Europe: scaling-up and innovating” gathers the outcomes from WP2 and WP3 and elaborate them to be shared across the EU and the sea-basins. Recommendations will be prepared, addressed to EU MSP Authorities of the five regional sea-basins.
WP5 “Communication and dissemination” shares project outcomes and promote MSP, the EMFAF actions and maritime EGD.
Project partners :
- CORILA - Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia – Lead Partner (IT)
- Universita iuav di Venezia (IT)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Ismar (IT)
- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas – Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (ES)
- Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques l'Environnement la Mobilite et l'Amenagement (FR)
- Varsinais-Suomen Liitto (FI)
- Centyr Za Bregovi I Morski Izsledvaniya (BG)
- Vides Aizsardzibas un Regionalas Attistibas Ministrija (LV)
- Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (FR)
- Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (fr)
- Valsts Regionalas Attistibas Agentura (LV)
- Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (DE)