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Marine protected Areas Network Towards Sustainable fisheries

Funding Programme:

European Commission


Completion Year:

Contact Person(s):

Project Coordinator Fabio Fiorentino Italian National Research Council - Institute for Coastal Marine Environment (CNR-IAMC) (fabio[dot]fiorentino[at]iamc[dot]cnr[dot]it)

Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:

EU DG MARE call for proposals 2014/41 “Marine protected areas: network(s) for enhancement of sustainable fisheries in the EU Mediterranean waters”


The total budget of the project is 700.000 €. The project receives funding from EU DG MARE for the 90% of the total budget; remaining 10% will be funded from partners’ own budgets.

About the Project:

Demersal stocks in the Mediterranean Sea are affected by overfishing and a poor exploitation pattern, with high juveniles fishing mortality and high production of discards. In this context, a spatial-based approach to the management of fishing effort which (i) minimises the impact of trawlers on areas where juveniles of commercial species concentrate and (ii) protects the habitats that play key roles for recruitment and spawning processes (Essential Fish Habitat - EFH), can achieve similar and more effective management targets to those usually linked to mesh size regulations. Analyses were carried out within two case studies: the Strait of Sicily and the North and Central Adriatic. The two main objectives of the project focused on:

  • Review and integration of the knowledge produced in previous national and EU funded projects on the space-time dynamics of fisheries resources and on Ecosystem Approach to Fishery in the Central Mediterranean;
  • Investigation on how a network of marine managed areas (MMAs) can contribute to improve sustainable fisheries in the Central Mediterranean focusing on the two project case studies

MANTIS Work packages chart. Source:

Project partners

MANTIS partners are:

  • CNR-IAMC - National Research Council, Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment and CNR-ISMAR - National Research Council, Institute of Marine Science (Italy) – Project coordinator
  • CoNISMA – National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences (Italy)
  • OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (Italy),
  • WWF Italy (Italy)
  • IOF - Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia)
  • NISEA Società Cooperativa (Italy)
  • Fundación Oceana (International)
  • Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Malta).