European Union’s seventh framework programme under grant agreement no: 608385
€ 17.053.931
Since 2009, CISE is being developed by the European Commission together with the Member States including civilian and military authorities as well as the European agencies operating in the maritime field. The aim of CISE is to create a political, organizational and legal environment to enable information sharing across the seven relevant sectors/user communities (transport, environmental protection, fisheries control, border control, general law enforcement, customs and defence) based on existing and also on future surveillance systems/networks with a view to achieve a fully operational CISE by 2020. For Maritime Spatial Planners, more data will become available which will improve the descision making in the planning process. Also EUCISE increases the awareness about data and the marine environment. The EUCISE 2020 project represents an important step towards the accomplishment of the European roadmap for CISE.
The specific objective of EUCISE2020 is to have a test-bed network connecting participating public authorities for cross sectorial information services and data exchange, focused on marine and maritime issues. Thereby EU CISE 2020 draws a major space of opportunity for national and European maritime institutions to collaboratively innovate their processes and systems, and for European enterprises to develop a new range of solutions and services competitive in the international market.[JZ3]
Project partners
The activities of EUCISE2020 are implemented and managed by a consortium of 37 partners from 15 different European countries; the project coordinator is the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Maritime authorities, universities, research institutes and other different organizations are involved. The project attains the widest possible experimental environment of innovative and collaborative processes between European maritime institutions.