Call ID: EASME/EMFF/2017/ - Sustainable Blue Economy
EU Contribution: € 312,123.00
The project aims to create a network between local communities of fishermen in Tunisia, France and Italy throughout a participatory methodology in order to facilitate the elaboration of a Community-Led Local Development approach in some fishermen communities of North Africa together with the exchange of best practices with Italy and France in which the CLLD approach has been already developed by local fishermen communities.
The project specific objectives are the following:
1) Set up a participatory process of private and public actors in order to elaborate a local development strategy taking into account the needs of local communities.
2) Facilitate the empowerment of local communities for the sustainable development of coastal area involved in the project, through an exchange of experiences and best practices with the FLAG “Costa degli Etruschi” in Italy and the FLAG in France (Corse) together with training activities addressed particular to fishermen, young people and women.
3) Transfer of knowledge and skills through twinning activities between North and WestMed coastal areas, included the exchange of experiences for the diversification of economic activities linked to fishing as an element for the sustainable development of the area.
4) Promote sustainable tourism through the enhancement of the local territory, environmental and cultural resources and traditions related to the sea and fishing with the involvement of local communities, young people and women and the creation of pilot projects.
Project partners
- FLAG “Costa degli Etruschi" (IT);
- WWF Mediterranean North Africa, WWF NA (TN);
- Petra Patrimonia Corsica, PPC (FR);
- Legambiente Toscana Onlus, Legambiente Toscana (IT).