European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement 815180
Overall budget: €4,984,622.50
EU contribution: €4,984,622.50
Tidal power – produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides – is a major renewable energy source, but the technology is still in its infancy. The EU-funded ELEMENT project will develop a new tidal turbine control system (based on wind turbine technology) to optimise performance and cut the lifetime cost of energy by 17 %. This will make the EU tidal energy sector commercially viable. It will demonstrate a prototype system using onshore bench-testing, tow testing and in-sea deployment at two real tidal sites. A demonstration of subsea and floating devices will also be undertaken. The project will also seek to increase public awareness and support for tidal energy projects.
Download the latest project publications and work package reports.
Project partners
- Nova Innovation LTD - Coordinator (UK);
- Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (UK);
- Chantier Bretagne Sud (FR);
- Wood Group France SAS (FR);
- University of Strathclyde (UK);
- Agence Intercommunale de Developpement des arrondissements de Tournai d'Ath et de communes avoisinantes (BE);
- Association de Prefiguration de l’Institut d'excellence des Energies Decarbonees (IEED) France Energies Marines (FR);