NWA – Wind op Zee
ECOAMARE supports the development of strategic policies related to the expansion of offshore wind energy. ECOAMARE first provides an overview of the knowledge on the environmental impact of offshore wind energy, including a cumulative impact assessment and how this knowledge can be adapted to the needs of policymakers and stakeholders. ECOAMARE then identifies conflicts and synergies between offshore activities, assesses strategies to resolve or reduce conflicts or promote synergies, and analyses trade-offs between activities where conflicts cannot be resolved. Finally, ECOAMARE analyses barriers and opportunities for balancing interests and developing strategic policies in legal frameworks and policy processes.
Project partners :
- University of Groningen
- Wageningen University & Research
- Utrecht University
- Deltares
- TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)
- Wageningen Marine Research
- NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
- North Sea Foundation
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam