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Delivering Offshore Electricity to the EU: spatial planning for offshore renewable energies and electricity grid insfrastructures in an integrated EU Maritime Policy

Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:

European Commission: Intelligent Energy Europe


1 243 781€

About the Project:

The SEANERGY 2020 project formulated concrete policy recommendations on how to best deal with maritime spatial planning (MSP) and remove MSP obstacles that stand against the deployment of offshore renewable power generation. The project focused particularly on offshore renewable energy and related grid infrastructure. Moreover, it provided policy recommendations for a more coordinated approach of the MSP and for a larger deployment of offshore renewable (wind, wave, tidal). These recommendations have been promoted and addressed to different national, regional and European authorities; they have also been disseminated to the different maritime users through specific bilateral meetings and workshops organised in four different sea basins (Atlantic, Mediterranean, Baltic and North). The project could serve as background for the preparation of further legislative measures and MSP practices at the regional, national and European levels.

In particular, SEANERGY 2020 specific objectives were to:

• highlight best national practices and provide recommendations on how to improve the policy and regulatory conditions of MSP in Member States less developed in this process

• provide recommendations for developing existing, and potentially new, international MSP instruments and ensuring a better coordination of MSP between Member States

• provide recommendations on how to overcome the challenges for offshore renewable power development and seize the opportunities of combining a national and trans-national MSP approaches in European sea basins

Project partners

  • European Wind Energy Association – Lead partner (BE)
  • University of Birmingham (UK)
  • 3E (BE)                                                                                                     
  • Stifftung Offshore Windenergie (DE)
  • Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (PT)
  • Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (NL)
  • Klaipeda University Coastal Research and Planning Institute (LT)
  • Center for Renewable Energy Resources (GR)