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Creating new life for discarded fishing and aquaculture gears to prevent marine litter generation

Funding Programme:

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

Funding Programme:

European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF)



Completion Year:

Implementation Period:

EU Contribution: €550,691.00

About the Project:

BLUENET focused on the demonstration of a series of actions addressed to prevent and reduce marine litter from fishing/aquaculture and, in turn, establish a harmonized plan for the collection and management of marine litter to make the prevention and reduction of ALDFG attractive to fishers and aquaculture operators; thus, boosting the local circular economy through recycling the gears for the benefits of the fishing and aquaculture sectors.

The project is therefore mainly focused on the following priority areas:

  • Reduction and prevention of marine litter from fishing and aquaculture sectors.
  • The removal and recycling of fishing and aquaculture gears made of Polyethylene (PE), Polyamide (PA) and Polypropylene (PP) to promote the local circular economy from/for these sectors.

The relevance of the project and the added value is that the actions are planned as to establish management plan envisaged that locally generated ALDFG, are tackled by local companies to revert as benefit to the local community.

Project partners

  • Fundación Azti Azti Fundazioa, Azti (ES);
  • Fundación Gaiker, Gaiker (ES);
  • Itsaskorda, Itsaskorda (ES);
  • Next Technology Tecnotessile, NTT (IT).