Programme 2021-2027 – Priority 2 Water-smart societies - Objective 2.2 Blue economy
€3.45 Million
The complexity of land-sea interactions (LSI) and overlapping jurisdictions of various public authorities calls for multi-level governance (MLG) to balance different interests and drivers in coastal areas in order to achieve European Green Deal (EGD) goals and Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE). MLG is needed for integrated planning to consider coastal communities, culture, environmental and economic interests. Integrated planning is often obstructed by unbalanced voices of different sectors and stakeholders, overlapping jurisdictions of various authorities, complexity of LSI, inefficient coordination and non-collaboration. Public authorities together with SBE sectors can be compared to a Greek ship (trireme) with the many stakeholders acting as the ship crew - rowers operating oars, deck crew dealing with sails and helmsman steering the ship - each with their own task. Somehow they all need to work together to avoid crashing and to navigate to their intended destination. Thus, there should be a guiding system for our ship – a navigator. In our project we will create a solution based on previous project results - the Sea2Land Navigator - a tailored guidance and decision making-supporting platform for public authorities and SBE stakeholders. The Sea2Land Navigator will help balance interests to aid viable coastal development and sustainable use of human and natural capital in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and foster integrated governance via multi-dimensional collaborations.
- Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia (LEAD PARTNER)
- Saaremaa Municipality
- Tallinn University
- Regional Council of Southwest Finland
- Baltic Environmental Forum Germany
- City of Fehmarn
- Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
- Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia
- Kurzeme Planning Region
- Association “Klaipeda Region”
- Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
- State Regional Development Agency (VASAB)
- The Association of Sea Cities and Municipalities