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An arena for the development of innovations and knowledge within maritime safety, security and environment

Funding Programme:




Completion Year:

Contact Person(s):

Daniel Sköld

Region Blekinge (daniel[dot]skold[at]regionblekinge[dot]se )

Implementation Period:
Specific Funding Programme:

EUBSR Project

About the Project:

Baltic Maritime Science Park (BMSP) constitutes the first concept of an arena aiming at stimulating a dynamic cluster development in the Baltic Sea Region.

The cluster is organized as a network with nodal points all over the Baltic Sea Region. The stakeholders involved in the BMSP belong to the following categories:

  • Public authorities (national, regional and local authorities)
  • Universities and research institute
  • Business
  • Non-governmental organizations

The BMSP shall serve as a meeting place aiming at match making between these 4 categories of stakeholders. The exchange between these players is expected to stimulate the development of new ideas, innovations, research and business – all in all, new employment opportunities. The forum is both digital, through informative and interactive webpage functions, as well as physical through meetings, seminars, workshops and round table discussions.

Baltic Maritime Science Park timetable (source: Project presentation of 25 January 2012)