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What Participation Means in Marine Spatial Planning Systems? Lessons from the French Case

Planning Practice & Research


There is already a substantial body of literature examining the participation issues in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). This paper addresses these issues in the French MSP process. Using qualitative materials, it examines the participation process from four perspectives: structural, contextual, organisational, methodological. It shows that public participation in the French MSP system is still mostly procedural. Also, in most other EU countries, participation is used as a tool for resolving conflicts about use of the sea as well as to build acceptability for marine renewable energy projects. Whatever the role participation plays, it requires a critical attention in MSP processes.

Application in MSP:
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Costs / Funding Source:

This work was supported by the Chaire maritime (Fondation de Nantes Université, 2018-2023, dedicated to research on human activities at sea and marine spatial planning.

Contact person:

Brice Trouillet: (brice[dot]trouillet[at]univ-nantes[dot]fr)



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