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The system matrix "structure/impact vs habitat/species"


Innovative tecniques for midlong term coastal protection master plans capitalizing on the Good Practices developed under several European Projects. It focuses on those practices that resulted from scientific studies and the understanding of coastal erosion.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer

  • Questions related to the preparation of Strategic Environmental Assessment Reports (SEA reports)
  • Use of tolls and innovative techniques for midterm coastal protection master plans

Implementation Context

The system matrix “structure/impact vs habitat/species” was developed within the context of the COASTANCE project, and forms part of its Component 5 of activity: The Component 5 Guidelines for Environmental Impacts Studies focused on coastal protection works and plans.

Aspects / Objectives

The Component 5 is dedicated to the design of specific technical guidelines for Public Administrations (PAs) in charge with coastal management and planning, to support mandatory procedures of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

For each type of coastal defense structure, the matrices named “structure/impact vs habitat/species” allow an early identification of the main expected impacts, also indicating which protected habitats and the related flora and fauna species present may be negatively affected by these impacts.

Since the proposed method aims at becoming a useful instrument to draft and assess environmental impact studies, the impacts considered were grouped into the following two types:

• impacts generated during the structure’s construction phase, which corresponds to the opening and activity phases of the

• impacts generated during the structure’s functioning phase (Operational phase or O).


The technical report presents the results of component 5 actions, i.e. the matrix forms “work/impact vs habitat/species”.. This tool enables to know in advance the main expected impacts and the associated flora and fauna species affected by these impacts, for each type of coastal defence work.

Main Outputs / Results

Eu project COASTANCE REPORT PHASE B2 COMPONENT 5 The system matrix “structure/impact vs habitat/species” ,  available online.

The report includes ten different “structure/impact vs habitat/species” matrices, as follows:

  • Matrix 1: Seawalls and dikes
  • Matrix 2: Nearshore breakwaters (emerged and submerged)
  • and artificial reefs
  • Matrix 3: Groins (permeable and impermeable)
  • Matrix 4: Composite groins
  • Matrix 5: Artificial headlands
  • Matrix 6: Beach nourishment
  • Matrix 7: Beach drainage systems
  • Matrix 8: Dune reprofiling
  • Matrix 9: Windbreak fences and dune grass planting
  • Matrix 10: Dune access management


The 10 different matrixes developed in the framework of the current practice can be used by other environmental authorities involved in the preparation of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessments) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs).

Contact Person

Silvia Bellacicco

Responsible for Component 5

Regione Lazio

E-mail: (sbellacicco[at]regione[dot]lazio[dot]it)

Angelos Antoniadis

Project Coordinator

Regional Development Fund Regional Development Fund of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace

Email: (info[at]pta-emth[dot]gr)

Responsible Entity

Regione Lazio

Direzione Regionale Ambiente


Viale Del Tintoretto, 432

00142 Roma

Costs / Funding Source

No info specific on the costs for the practice itself. The overall project costs, involving three thematic components, was of 1.9 million euro (Budget allocated for Component 5 of the project was: 227.714 euro)