In the Coastal Law (Law 22/1988) and its subsequent modification, the environmental objectives are cited as:
''Defence of the balance and physical progress of the coast, the protection and conservation of its values and virtualities
Natural resources and cultural resources, the rational use of their resources, the guarantee of their use and enjoyment open to All, with exceptions fully justified by the collective interest and strictly limited in time And in space, and with the adoption of appropriate restoration measures.''
More specifically, in Article 2, they are cited as ends:
- A) Determine the maritime-terrestrial public domain and ensure its integrity and proper conservation, Taking, where appropriate, the necessary protection and restoration measures and, where appropriate, adaptation, Taking into account the effects of climate change.
- B) Guarantee the public use of the sea, its banks and the rest of the public sea-land domain, without further Exceptions than those derived from reasons of public interest duly justified.
- C) Regulate the rational use of these assets in terms consistent with their nature, their purposes and the Respect for the landscape, the environment and historical heritage.
- D) To achieve and maintain an adequate level of quality of the waters and of the sea shore.
On this basis, therefore, the general objectives of the Strategy for Adapting the Coast to the Of Climate Change are structured as follows.
- Increase resilience Of the Spanish coast to climate change and climate variability.
- Integrate adaptation to climate change in the planning and management of the Spanish coast… (in Spanish only)
Questions this practice may help answer
- How were specific planning steps (e.g. stocktake, conflict analysis) implemented within Spanish Strategy of Coast Adaptation to Climate Change?
- What were the outcomes of the activities that that took place within the context of Spanish Strategy of Coast Adaptation to Climate Change?
- What lessons can be learned from the Spanish Strategy of Coast Adaptation to Climate Change experience?
Implementation Context
This publication provides an overview of the outcomes, results and lessons to be learnt from the numerous activities undertaken within the context of the Plan Ribera, and it is mostly based on activities and results of itself.
Aspects / Objectives
The purpose of this report is to extract general lessons which can be applied to other maritime planning contexts, in the hope of offering useful pointers on how to tackle MSP processes both at the national and the transnational level.
On December 26, 2013 was signed by the Secretary of State for the Environment and the Minister of Development, Spatial Planning and Environment of the Principality of Asturias, signed the aforementioned agreement of collaboration between both parties.
The objective of the agreement has been to develop a pilot project to adapt to climate change on the coast of the Principality of Asturias, based on the generation of different risk scenarios. This project establishes measures, consistent with the future Adaptation Strategy for Climate Change, which will be integrated into the planning and management instruments of the coastal environment promoted by the Government of the Principality of Asturias, and also have the potential to be exported to other areas of The Spanish coast.
In order to carry out this pilot project, the General Directorate for the Sustainability of the Coast and Sea signed a contract with the Environmental Hydraulics Institute Foundation, given its knowledge on Climate Change issues and its involvement in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- Activity 1: Generation and integration of climate and vulnerability databases
- Activity 2: Impact and risk assessment
- Activity 3: Adaptation strategy
- Activity 4: Drafting of a guide for risk assessment and adaptation to climate change in the Spanish coast and the document for initiating the strategic environmental assessment procedure
Main Outputs / Results
In order to achieve the objectives set by the Strategy it is necessary to provide a set of tools And / or instruments that favor the rapid and efficient realization thereof. These include the following:
- IPCC website where the latest reports issued by the Panel Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Web Climate Adatp: information exchange platform
- Of Adaptation to Climate Change projects of the European Environment Agency.
- Web DG CLIMATE: web of the Commission's Directorate-General for Climate European Union.
- Adaptecca Platform: project information exchange website National level that has significant potential to act as a coordination.
- Web Spanish Office of Climate Change:…- National / office-spanish-in-change-climate / Web site of the competent national agency in Climate change policy at the national level
The Strategy will promote and promote specific initiatives for the generation, maintenance and exploitation of tools and instruments that serve to promote the achievement of its objectives, whether from MAGRAMA or through collaboration with national and international, public or private partnerships that have facilitated their development.
Although this report draws mainly on the Spanish Strategy of Coast Adaptation to Climate Changeexperience, it is its stated purpose to extract general lessons that can be applied to other maritime planning contexts.
Responsible Entity
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment of Spain
Plaza de San Juan de la Cruz, s/n, 28003 Madrid