There exists a need and possibility for further improvement of the national marine monitoring programmes and approaches for assessing marine biodiversity. Despite the tendency to limit the assessments to a few commonly (Baltic Sea wide) agreed indicators, the project recommends the application of a higher number of indicators that would increase the representativeness of assessments and be adjustable to regionally specific conditions. The MARMONI results provide input and support for the revision of marine monitoring programmes, as well as more immediate support to the countries which have not yet finalised their monitoring programmes for the current reporting period.
Questions this practice may help answer
- What indicators are used in the national MSFD monitoring programmes in Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden?
- What indicators can be used to improve monitoring in the upcoming national marine monitoring programmes in Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden?
- Which monitoring methods can be used in the upcoming national marine monitoring programmes in Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden?
- What are the missing gaps in indicators for the national marine monitoring programmes?
Implementation Context
The work of the MARMONI project accompanied the national work for the implementation of the MSFD in the project’s target countries, performing the Initial Assessment of the current environmental status
of marine waters (by July 2012) and the Establishment of national monitoring programmes (by July 2014). Thereby the project work has already given input to national authorities in the determination of good environmental status (GES), setting targets and associated indicators in relation to marine biodiversity (descriptor 1 for determining good environmental status) as well as in designing national monitoring programmes -several MARMONI indicators and new monitoring methods proposed by the project are already integrated into national monitoring programmes of the project target countries. Nevertheless researches see a need and possibility for further improvement of the national marine monitoring programmes and approaches for assessing marine biodiversity.
Aspects / Objectives
- Recommend the application of a higher number of indicators that would increase the representativeness of assessments and be adjustable to regionally specific conditions.
- Provide input and support for the revision of marine monitoring programmes, as well as more immediate support to the countries, which have not yet finalised their monitoring programmes for the current reporting period.
- Collect and review findings of the MARMONI project on indictors in the specific areas.
- Analyse the applicability of these and other indicators to the countries.
- Develop country specific recommendations on Marine Biodiversity, Indicators and on methods for the monitoring of marine biodiversity.
Main Outputs / Results
Several of the indicators elaborated by the MARMONI project are already included or considered to be included in the national MSFD monitoring programmes. However there are still additional MARMONI Indicators with the potential to improve marine biodiversity assessments. The following table provides recommendations of indicators form the projects, which can be included in national monitoring programmes.
The following table presents the Applicability of the new monitoring methods proposed by MARMONI for the national monitoring programmes. This table includes the 11 methods that are currently ready for inclusion in monitoring programmes. Several other methods were also found promising during the testing and are recommended by the MARMONI experts. However these methods need some further work or development in order to be fully ready for use in monitoring programmes.
A total overview of indicators can be used as an inspiration for other countries when they are developing their marine monitoring programmes. However, many of the indicator recommendations are site specific, and thereby are not that easy to transfer.
Costs / Funding Source
LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity project “Innovative approaches for marine biodiversity monitoring and assessment of conservation status of nature values in the Baltic Sea” (Marmoni)
Responsible Entity
Anda Ruskule
Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia