Fishery Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW)
This guidance is intended for offshore renewable energy installations (OREI) developers and the commercial Fishery industry, and draws on the extensive experience gained through the development of the first three offshore wind leasing rounds (Rounds 1, 2 and 3) and the construction and operation of the first two rounds, as well as the emerging wave and tidal sector. This guidance has been compiled in a spirit of co-operation, with the intention of forming the basis for long-term co-existence between both industries.
Questions this practice may help answer
- What are the roles of key organisations and stakeholders in in developing offshore renewable energy and in fishing liaison?
- What are the specific concerns of the fishing industry, and how may this be resolved through liaison?
- How can fisheries liaison best be carried out, through the process of planning, consenting and developing offshore renewable energy projects?
Implementation Context
The Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW), led by The Crown Estate (UK) aims to address matters arising from the interaction of the fishing and offshore renewable energy industries, to promote and share best practice, and to encourage liaison with other sectors in the marine environment.
In 2008, FLOWW published the first “Fishing Liaison Best Practice guidance for offshore renewables developers” to ensure effective communication at all stages in the development and operation of offshore renewable energy installations (OREI). Following the subsequent growth in the offshore renewable energy industry, FLOWW revised and updated this guidance to take account of the experience so far and new issues that may have emerged.
The guidance is intended for OREI developers and the commercial fishing industry, and draws on the extensive experience gained through the development of the first three offshore wind leasing rounds in the UK (Rounds 1, 2 and 3), as well as the emerging wave and tidal sector.
Aspects / Objectives
- Provide sufficient information to allow OREI developers and the fishing industry to have constructive discussions about the potential impacts and interactions between the sectors in the planning, construction and operation of OREIs.
- Provide an overview of the fishing and renewable energy industries, including the process for consenting projects in the UK
- Provide guidance on liaising from planning through to operation of offshore wind farms.
The document has been split into sections that apply to different stages of project planning and development. The first three sections aim to provide an overview of both industries and the OREI development regime, including the process for consenting projects in the UK. Sections 4 – 6 provide guidance on liaising from the planning phase to the operational phase, while Sections 7 – 11 outline specific issues that concern the fishing industry, providing guidance to both sectors towards achieving mutual understanding and resolving any potential disputes that may arise.
FLOWW brought together a wide range of stakeholders, authorities, experts, industry representatives, etc., in order to review the experience and issues in relation to OREI’s and the fishing industry and to draft the guidance document. The guidance is an updated version of a previous report, and there is suggestion that it will be updated further (e.g. to account for new and emerging technologies such as floating offshore wind).
Main Outputs / Results
The guidance focusses specifically on the planning and consenting process for offshore renewable energy in the UK context, including the specific roles of key stakeholders such as The Crown Estate. However there are elements which will be of relevance to other countries, including liaison protocol during the EIA process. It would be appropriate for a similar group of stakeholders to be established within different member state jurisdictions, or even at a North Sea scale, to review the guidance, extrapolate the relevant aspects and refine to be more broadly applicable.
The guidance focusses on offshore wind, wave and tidal, and would need to be updated to address new technologies (such as floating offshore wind) in particular, and the guidance does not cover tidal barrage developments. It covers all aspects of projects, including substations, cabling (array and export) and grid connections.
Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW), facilitated by a secretariat funded by The Crown Estate.
The Crown Estate. Direct costs of its elaboration are unknown.
Contact Person
Harriet Nicholls
Acting Secretariat, The Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW).
Email: (Harriet[dot]Nicholls[at]thecrownestate[dot]co[dot]uk)