This guide, develop under the framework of the Baltic LINes project, presents a step-wise approach summarizing the considerations taken when assessing, deciding on and designating the suitable areas for offshore wind energy and grid development. It also points out the most commonly used planning criteria and gives examples from different BSR countries on more detailed ones.
Questions this practice may help answer:
- What are the different steps to apply for the disgnation of energy infrastructure in maritime spatial planning?
Implementation Context:
This practical guide has been developed by the partnership of several planning authorities in course of the Interreg project Baltic LINes. The guide is strongly related and therefore also added as annex to the Baltic LINes report “Identification of transnational planning criteria in the Baltic Sea”. However, the guide can also be used independently as a source for those maritime spatial planners that are looking for practical advices for the designation of energy infrastructure at sea.
Aspects / Objectives:
This guide presents a step-wise approach summarizing the considerations taken when assessing, deciding on and designating the suitable areas for offshore wind energy and grid development. It also points out the most commonly used planning criteria and gives examples from different BSR countries on more detailed ones.
This guide proposes the use of MSP to identifying suitable areas and corridors for energy installations and private operators have the role of planning turbine and electricity transmission area designation
This guide should not be seen as the one-and-only way to develop and designate OWFs as part of the maritime spatial planning (MSP) process, as national planning systems vary greatly and other options may be preferable. Writers of this guidance document also acknowledge that the role of MSP process in the designation of areas suitable for OWFs varies greatly, and it might not have a big role in the process. However, energy as a sector and possible installations at sea need to be discussed and taken into account in the MSP process. Planning of energy installations is an iterative process starting from more general considerations of suitability of areas and corridors to more detailed construction planning, which is followed by permitting procedures before the actual construction.
Main Outputs / Results:
The steps proposed in this guidance in order to designate offshore renewable energy installations an offshore energy cables are the following:
Planning Guidance for Offshore Renewable Energy Installations
Step 1: Define the need for development and political goals for offshore renewable energy installations
Step 2: Mapping the existing designations and installations
Step 3: Mapping suitable areas (general planning criteria)
Step 4: Mapping the conflicts and synergies with other uses and activities
Step 5: Defining of the priority areas for offshore wind energy
Planning Guidance for Offshore Energy Cables
Step 1: Political framework/targets
Step 2: Suitability of areas
Step 3: Stocktake: Analysing/Mapping conflicts and synergies with other uses
Step 4: Consider land-sea interaction
Step 5: Define cable corridors based on the analysis and application of planning criteria/planning principles
Although the guidance focuses on the Baltic Sea region, this guide could be adapted to other sea basins.
Responsible Entity:
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)
Costs / Funding Source:
The Baltic LINes project is cofinanced by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2016-2020.
Contact person:
Annika Koch
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) (Annika[dot]koch[at]bsh[dot]de)