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Key issues for a transboundary and ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning in the Bay of Biscay.


Diversification and intensification of maritime activities can create competition for marine space and can derive stress and environmental pressures. Therefore, all dynamics of marine environment should be considered in transboundary planning in line with an ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning (EB-MSP). Mobility of human activities across borders and ecological conditions in the Bay of Biscay make it essential to enhance cross-border regulations, strategies and cooperation to ensure coherence across biogeographical boundaries and to use common knowledge. This research aims to identify the key issues and challenges in order to raise recommendations for a transboundary EB-MSP in the Bay of Biscay, for achieving socio-economic and environmental objectives based on a holistic vision of economic, environmental and social settings, and present management practices. In order to reach this objective; settings of the area with economic, environmental and social dynamics were drawn, existing MSFD program of measures and conservation practices, as well as measurable objectives were analysed, and critical issues with recommendations for planning and implementation phases were emphasised. The results indicate that program of measures of France and Spain focused on the similar concerns, however both countries followed different methods. Accordingly, recommendations could be drawn on key six topics such as space conflict, offshore structures, joint risk assessment, marine litter, measures and objectives and cross-border governance. Hence, this research concludes that there are different objectives for the same marine regions from two countries, and it is significant to integrate process leaders, working groups and responsible regional authorities to achieve coherent and efficient transboundary EB-MSP.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer: 

  • What are the key issues for a transboundary and ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning in the Bay of Biscay?


The study was conducted by the AZTI Marine Research Division (Pasaia, Spain) and Office Français de la Biodiversité (Brest, France).


The aim of this research is to identify the key issues and challenges in order to raise recommendations for a transboundary EB-MSP in the Bay of Biscay, to achieve the socio-economic and environmental objectives based on a holistic vision of economic, environmental and social settings, and present management practices.


Maps of the area with economic, environmental and social dynamics were defined, the existing MSFD programme of measures and conservation practices, as well as measurable objectives were analysed, and critical issues with recommendations for planning and implementation phases were emphasised.


The key issues for a transboundary and ecosystem-based maritime spatial planning in the Bay of Biscay were identified.

Recommendations were provided on key issues, strategic objectives and cross-border governance.


The study is conducted for the Bay of Biscay.

Responsible Entity: 

AZTI, Marine Research Division, Herrera Kaia Portualdea z/g, 20110, Pasaia, Spain

Contact person: 

Kemal Pınarbaşı: (kemal[dot]pinarbasi[at]icloud[dot]com)

Ibon Galparsoro: (igalparsoro[at]azti[dot]es)



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