This case study aims to demonstrate the cross-border cooperation between Spain and France in technical analysis to support the implementation of maritime spatial planning. It draws from perspectives of the evaluation of offshore anthropogenic pressures and their effects on cetaceans and seabirds.
Questions this practice may help answer:
How are offshore anthropogenic pressures to seabirds and cetaceans evaluated?
Implementation Context:
This pilot project was developed as an output from the SIMWESTMED project to demonstrate how cross-border cooperation can be achieved in MSP in the study area.
Aspects / Objectives:
The aim of this study was to analyse cross-border cooperation between France and Italy in the technical evaluation of offshore anthropogenic pressures and their effects on cetaceans and seabirds.

Through Spanish and French collaboration, relevant datasets on activities, pressures and ecological components were shared and standardized to carry out a cumulative effect assessment through the CARPEDIEM methodology:

Main Outputs / Results:
Results are summarized in the following figure:

This case study can be used as a methodological and knowledge base for the evaluation of offshore anthropogenic pressures and their analysis within the MSP process.
Responsible Entity:
French Biodiversity Agency
Costs / Funding Source:
EU Project Grant No.: EASME/EMFF/2015/
Contact person:
Neil Alloncle
French Biodiversity Agency
email: (neil[dot]alloncle[at]afbiodiversite[dot]fr)