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German-Polish Spatial Planning Portal

German-Polish Spatial Planning Committee


The web-portal provides information about the work of the German-Polish Committee for Spatial Planning and the multiple activities of the German-Polish collaboration. Main aim is to motivate stakeholders to participate in current projects and processes. One of the activities is "The Joint Future Concept 2030" for the German-Polish intertwining space with a vision for spatial planning. The development of the vision started in the year 2014 and shows how the space between the two sides of the rivers Oder and the Western Neisse could be in the year 2030. It builds on existing plans and concepts of spatial planning. Additionally there are joint activities focusing on maritime spatial planning. A working group established in October 2014 is working on the bilateral exchange of strategies and policies of maritime spatial planning and the intensification of cross-border consultations. 

The platform is available in German and Polish only.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer

  • Which information does a bilateral on-line platform for (maritime) spatial planning provide?
  • Does the on-line platform support the planners and other stakeholders when dealing with issues related to maritime spatial planning?
  • Does the on-line platform support the implementation process of specific plans or pilot plans?

implementation context

The web-portal was establised to provide information about the work of the German-Polish Committee for Spatial Planning and the multiple activities of the German-Polish collaboration. It also invites stakeholders to actively participate in current projects and processes. One of the activities is "The Joint Future Concept 2030" for the German-Polish intertwining space with a vision for spatial planning. It shows the potential of the space without containing formal planning determinations. Instead it is meant to be a bilateral agreed spatial planning recommendation for responsible authorities and decision-makers. Furthermore it formulates guidelines for the development of future important aspecst like traffic or settlements.

The portal also offers an overview of projects and activities as well as instruments of cooperation and tools for planning (terrestrial and maritime related).

In October 2014 the German-Polish Commission for collaboration close to the border decided to install a working group on maritime spatial planning. The portal informs about its activities and progresses with a focus on bilateral collaboration. Also information is available on future meetings, members of the working group and contact persons. Links guide to relevant policy processes related to maritime spatial planning as well as responsible authorities in Germany and Poland.

aspects / objectives

The aim of the web-portal is inter alia to inform about the tasks of the German-Polish working group on maritime spatial planning:

  • Exchange of strategies and policies of maritime spatial planning in both states
  • Intensifying the cross-border consultation on maritime spatial plans
  • Consolidation of collaboration beyond the formal consultation processes

Information is available about recent meetings of the working group as well as their members. The portal also offers background on the legal basis of maritime spatial planning.


The platform is structured along main topics relevant for stakeholders like planners, responsible authorities and interested persons. 

main outputs / results

The information available shows no precise results yet but documents the constant effort of collaboration and cooperation across borders.


The web-portal could be transfered to other bilateral or trilateral approaches for capacity-building with respect to maritime spatial planning. 

contact person


Dr. Katharina Erdmenger, German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), Co-Chair of the Committee for Spatial Planning of the German-Polish Commission for collaboration close to the border


Magdalena Zagrzejewska-Fiedorowicz, Ministry for Development, Co-Chair of the Committee for Spatial Planning of the German-Polish Commission for collaboration close to the border

responsible entity

German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)

Polish Ministry for Devlopment, Maritime Eonomy 

funding source

The two ministries provided funding.