Marine plans for 2 of the planning regions in England (East Inshore and East Offshore), including sustainability appraisals and other supporting documents.
Questions this practice may help answer
- What are the marine plans for the East Inshore and East Offshore marine regions in England?
- What process was followed in developing these marine plans?
- What supporting work was undertaken?
Implementation Context
The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 established the legal basis for marine planning in England. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is the responsible authority for delivering marine planning in England. England’s marine area was divided into 11 marine regions, with inshore and offshore components which will total 10 plans. The first areas to be targeted for marine planning were the East Inshore and East Offshore Regions.
Aspects / Objectives
To fulfil the requirements of marine policy in England and deliver the first marine plans for the East Inshore and East Offshore regions.
A formal marine planning methodology was carried out to produce the marine plans. An accompanying Sustainability Appraisal was undertaken along with an evaluation of potential economic impacts and development of an Implementation and Monitoring Plan.
Main Outputs / Results
All reports are available online at:
These plans address 2 regions in England, however the East Offshore Plan shares borders with the Netherlands, Belgium and France, hence these plans will be of relevance to the management of transboundary issues. There are lessons to be learnt from the process undertaken by the MMO which will be relevant in other contexts, noting the differences (e.g. governance, resources, primary issues, etc.).
Responsible Entity
Marine Management Organisation
Costs / Funding Source
Marine Management Organisation
Contact Person
Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 0300 123 1032
Email: (planning[at]marinemanagement[dot]org[dot]uk)