Scenarios are used to find more flexible solutions in a transparent manner for cross-border MSP and determine benefits.
Chapter 4.3 of the
Questions this practice may help answer
What are the potential benefits for offshore wind energy development when cross-border coordination is strengthened?
Implementation Context
Part of the SEANERGY 2020 project is to evaluate the benefits of cross-border coordination for offshore wind energy. The area on the offshore border between Germany and The Netherlands is chosen as a study are to illustrated that transnational cooperation on MSP can lead to benefits for offshore wind development. In this area there are already offshore wind farms under construction, and more to be planned, demonstrating the suitable wind resource and site conditions. The area is also highly constrained by current national spatial plans, which means that cross-border cooperation could be highly valuable to the development of more offshore wind energy. Also future grid connection plans and the avlaiablily of high quality data regarding national spatial plans make this area interesting for a case study.
Aspects / Objectives
Evaluate the benefits of cross-border coordination of MSP, focussing in particular on offshore wind energy, in the German-Dutch offshore border region.
Three scenarios are defined with increasing levels of MSP cooperation, namely:
- Current status of national MSP
- Initial stage of MSP Cross-border cooperation
- Progressive MSP cross border cooperation
In each scenario, the potential for offshore wind development is evaluated, based on site conditions, such as the necessary costs of development are assessed. Furthermore the constrains which each scenario brings are mapped to determine the availably for offshore wind.
Main Outputs / Results
The report shows the finding of the study. Within these three scenarios the focus has been put on:
- Development costs
- Risk and planning (process)
- Impacts for other sea users
In all these three aspects there are clear advantages of increased MSP cross border cooperation found.
The results are not specific to this case study and are illustrative for coordinated MSP in other areas.
Costs / Funding Source
The practice was elaborated under the Seanergy 2020 Project co-financed by Intelligent Energy Europe. Direct costs of its elaboration are unknown.
Responsible Entity
European Wind Energy Association
Contact Person
Dorina Iuga
European Wind Energy Association
Email: (di[at]ewea[dot]org)