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Baltic Blue Growth: Initiating large scale mussel farming in the Baltic Sea. Summary of key findings.


This report is the summary of key findings from the Baltic Blue Growth project which aims to remove nutrients from the Baltic Sea Region by farming and harvesting blue mussels.

Application in MSP:
Type of Issue:
Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer:

  • What are the key findings from the Baltic Blue Growth project?
  • What are the impacts of mussel farms on marine environment?
  • How are mussel farms developed in Baltic countries?

Implementation Context:

The report was developed within the context of the Baltic Blue Growth project.

Aspects / Objectives:

This report is a summary of the knowledge accumulated as a result of the Interreg project Baltic Blue Growth.


The project partners have studied technical, environmental, legal and regulatory aspects of mussel farming. Based on data and experience collected at the fully operational mussel farms to be established by Baltic Blue Growth, the project’s main outputs are described in this summary report and include:

  • Production methods adapted for Baltic Sea environmental and societal conditions;
  • Models and functional decision support tools on suitable farming sites and their production potential;
  • Business plans and farming manuals for large scale mussel farms;
  • A demonstration line for processing mussels into fish and poultry feed;
  • A guide on licensing processes for mussel farming in the Baltic Sea Region;
  • Recommendations on harmonised maritime spatial planning and ecosystem service compensation measures.

Main Outputs / Results:

It Is concluded that "mussel farms in the Baltic Sea can make a significant contribution to reduce eutrophication by feeding on nutrients, while also providing a new sustainable resource for food and feed in the region".


The results of the Baltic Blue Growth project presented in this report can be used for other sea regions, taking into account the geographical/environmental differences that may exist. 

Responsible Entity:

Region Östergötland.

Funding Source:

The report is developed within the framework of the Baltic Blue Growth project sponsored by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020.

Contact person:

Region Östergötland: (lena[dot]tasse[at]regionostergotland[dot]se)