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Assessment of the geographical potential for co-use of marine space, based on operational boundaries for Blue Growth sectors

Marine Policy, Volume 100


The worlds’ oceans and seas have tremendous potential to contribute to the provision of food, feed, energy and natural resources. The emerging concepts of “Blue Growth” and “Blue Economy” have put the development of new marine industries on the political agenda. As marine industries expand, spatial interconnections and industry boundaries are being drawn and the potential for the combined use of marine space is being explored. The aim of this paper is to provide a single source document that summarizes the probable boundaries of marine growth industries, namely aquaculture; offshore wind energy with fixed foundations; floating offshore wind energy; tidal and wave energy; marine biotechnology, seabed mining; and tourism and recreation, based on depth and distance from the shore. This is an important first step in developing a single source document for marine industry boundaries that will help marine spatial planners and researchers develop innovative industry combinations to foster growth in the marine sector. This paper explores marine industry overlaps in four basins: European Atlantic, Baltic/North Sea, Mediterranean/Black Sea and the Caribbean/ Gulf of Mexico. By describing the geographical characteristics of different sea basins, this paper helps to focus marine governance strategies for stimulating combinations of marine industries towards the most promising areas. The methodology developed in this paper was also used to generate 72 country-specific maps and corresponding tables to support marine spatial planning processes at a national level.

Type of practice:
Stage of MSP cycle:
Cross-border / trans-national aspect:
Coherence with other processes:
Key words:

Questions this practice may help answer:

  • How to find synergies between maritime sectors to ensure multi-use of the maritime space
  • How to develop maritime industries while taking into account MPAs
  • What are the implications of implementing both MSP and Multi-use?

Implementation Context:

This study was commissioned by the MARIBE project which explored cooperation opportunities for companies that combine different Blue Growth and Blue Economy sectors.

Aspects / Objectives:

This article aims to provide a summary of the probable boundaries of marine growth industries including aquaculture; offshore wind energy with fixed foundations; floating offshore wind energy; tidal and wave energy; marine biotechnology, seabed mining; and tourism and recreation, based on the depth and distance from the shore.


Part of the work undertaken for this article was conducted within the MARIBE project. A review of the literature was led by, as well as expert consultation and workshops with, an expert panel represented by industries.

Spatial analyses were led based on selected sea basins.

Main Outputs / Results:

This article supports the identification of potential combinations for the marine industries and provides a method for future analysis of other operational boundaries.


The methods used are applicable to other marine basins and results of the MARIBE project are available at

Responsible Entity:

MARIBE Project

Costs / Funding Source:

MARIBE Project

Contact person:

S.W.K. van den Burg: (sander[dot]vandenburg[at]wur[dot]nl)