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Tourism & Fisheries

Fisheries and coastal tourism are both sectors of key significance for costal E.U member states, as they generate both important GVA and are essential to the local economic sustainability of coastal communities. The strong potential for collaboration between fisheries and tourism can enable a smooth co-existence of the two activities and allows to maintain an attractive and productive coastline that answer the needs of both tourists and fishermen.

Both sectors can interact on the account of the use of space. The progressive diversification of coastal and maritime touristic offers combined with the long-standing fishing tradition can lead to challenges between tourism and artisanal fisheries carrying out their activity in the same area. Additionally, both activities, if inadequately regulated, can affect overall marine environmental quality, potentially threatening the sustainability of one each other.

However, both sectors show very promising opportunities of co-existence and can work in synergy, thus enhancing their respective offer. Such synergies can for example include the possibility for tourists to embark on professional fishing boats (pescatourism), or the enhancement of local culinary offer for tourists by offering locally fished and fresh sea products.

This fiche sets out the different interactions to be considered between the fishing sector and the coastal and maritime tourism sector, by detailing how both sectors can impact each other, and what possible synergistic relationships can be fostered between them.

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