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Showing results 97 - 108 of 284

Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems

The EcoScope project will develop an interoperable platform and a robust decision-making toolbox, available through a single public portal (The EcoScopium), to promote an efficient, ecosystem-based approach to the management of fisheries. Design and development of The EcoScopium will be...

  • 2025
Ecosystems Services in Marine Spatial Planning

The project is a part of the Blue Growth & Marine Planning Scheme, established under the Union Priority 6 (Integrated Maritime Policy) of Ireland’s EMFF Operational Programme. It splits into three categories and represents a part of the “Spatial Data and Evidence Projects”.

The project represents...

  • 2019
Ecosystem Change, Offshore Wind, Net Gain and Seabirds

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026
Edulis: offshore mussel culture in wind farms

Edulis studies the feasibility of mussel culture in offshore wind farms, 30 to 50 kilometers off the Belgian coast. In May 2017, a first experimental mussel culture system was installed in the C-Power wind farm to monitor the mussel seed capture, mussel growth...

  • 2019
Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy

Tidal power – produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides – is a major renewable energy source, but the technology is still in its infancy. The EU-funded ELEMENT project will develop a new...

  • 2023
Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions

The EU-funded EMERGE project aims to study the effects of different emission reduction solutions for shipping in Europe and to develop effective strategies to decrease the environmental and climatic impacts of shipping. This will involve measurements and modelling on actual...

  • 2024
Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region (eMSP NBSR)

The aim of the eMSP NBSR project is to enable Maritime Spatial Planners of managing authorities and policymakers from the North and Baltic Sea Regions to reflect on current MSP practices, to learn effectively from each other, and to collectively...

  • 2024
European Network on Coastal Research
The ENCORA project (European Network on Coastal Research) has been initiated to improve sharing of knowledge and experience within Europe, in two respects: overcome existing fragmentation of coastal expertise and better exploit scientific knowledge in practice and adapt it to non-expert coastal and marine professionals.
  • 2009
Energizing Coastal Regions with Offshore Renewable Energy

The aim of the ENCORE project (Energizing Coastal Regions with Offshore Renewable Energy) is to advance five offshore renewable energy technologies (including wave energy convertors, tidal and river current turbines and offshore floating solar) in a structured and collaborative process and to develop open-source...

  • 2022
ENSAMBLE: Expertise and Networking to Sustain Actions in Med through Blue and Local Economy

The project aims to create a network between local communities of fishermen in Tunisia, France and Italy throughout a participatory methodology in order to facilitate the elaboration of a Community-Led Local Development approach in some fishermen communities of North Africa...

  • 2021
European Seas and Territorial Development, Opportunities and Risks

As Europe seeks to emerge from the consequences of the economic crisis, the importance of territorial cohesion in supporting ‘smart sustainable and inclusive growth’ is becoming ever more apparent. However the rhetoric has for many years equated territorial cohesion with...

  • 2013
EU-ATLAS: A trans-Atlantic assessment and deep-water ecosystem based spatial management plan for Europe

ATLAS will provide essential new knowledge of deep ocean ecosystems in the North Atlantic. This ambitious project will explore the world of deep-sea habitats (200-2000 m) where the greatest gaps in our understanding lie and certain populations and ecosystems are...

  • 2020