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Showing results 25 - 36 of 284

Baltic Data Flows

The Baltic Data Flows project, funded by the EU Innovation and Networks Agency (INEA), will enhance the sharing and harmonisation of data on the marine environment originating from existing sea monitoring programmes. The project will increase the capacity of the...

  • 2023
Integrated Baltic Offshore Wind Electricity Grid Development

The Interreg project Baltic InteGrid analysed the framework conditions for the development of a common offshore power grid infrastructure of the Baltic Sea states. The aim of the project was to make a significant contribution to the coordination planning for...

  • 2019
Coherent Linear Infrastructures in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans

Baltic LINes sought to increase the transnational coherence of shipping routes and energy corridors in Maritime Spatial Plans in the BSR, in order to avoid cross-border mismatches while securing transnational connectivity as well as an efficient use of Baltic Sea space.


  • 2019
An arena for the development of innovations and knowledge within maritime safety, security and environment

Baltic Maritime Science Park (BMSP) constitutes the first concept of an arena aiming at stimulating a dynamic cluster development in the Baltic Sea Region.

The cluster is organized as a network with nodal points all over the Baltic Sea Region...

  • 2014
Maritime safety across borders
The main outputs of the project are Guidelines for local and regional preparedness, a Vision of the PSSA 2020, a Tool for Marine Spatial Planning and an Action Plan for the Baltic Sea Region.
  • 2007
Towards coherence and cross-border solutions in Baltic Maritime Spatial Plans

A key aim of the EU Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive adopted in 2014 is to promote consistency and coherence of maritime spatial plans across marine regions. This requires ongoing cooperation across borders and mechanisms that facilitate the exchange of...

  • 2017
Fostering integrated governance for the joint sustainable use of human and natural capital in the near shore zone.

The complexity of land-sea interactions (LSI) and overlapping jurisdictions of various public authorities calls for multi-level governance (MLG) to balance different interests and drivers in coastal areas in order to achieve European Green Deal (EGD) goals and Sustainable Blue Economy...

  • 2025
EO Applications for Integrated Maritime and Territorial Spatial Planning in the Baltic

European directives, such as the Water Framework Directive and Marine Strategy Directive, require member states to reach good ecological status in their coastal and inland waters. In the Baltic Sea this goal has not yet been achieved.

Spatial planning is...

  • 2023
BalticAPP - Wellbeing from the Baltic Sea - applications combining natural sciences and economics

The project focused on the supply and demand of marine ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea region. The time focus is on the future 80-100 years.

In their study the project partners combined existing state-of-the-art modelling tools and recently collected...

  • 2018
BalticRIM - Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management
The on-going MSP processes and related mapping and public participation for MSP in many Baltic Sea countries provide a chance for the MCH community to alliance with. During the project, capacities of the MCH / MSP actors and of other blue sectors will be enhanced, resulting in cross-sectorial solutions and benefits to be integrated into the MSPs and related management initiatives until and beyond 2021. Project results will target all levels from local solutions to guidance for MSP processes across whole Europe.
  • 2020
Planning the future of the Baltic Sea

BaltSeaPlan accompanied the EU Maritime Policy by supporting the introduction of Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning within Baltic Sea Region.

Before BaltSeaPlan there was only little practical experience regarding spatial planning on the sea. This was the challenge but also the...

  • 2012
Towards Sustainable Governance of Baltic Marine Space
BALTSPACE posits that achieving the ambitions of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) depends on obtaining different forms of integration (e.g. across policies, sectors, stakeholder inputs, knowledge, ecological and (geo)political scales, scientific disciplines).
  • 2018